Holiday Red Hill - Rites

The holiday Krasnaya Gorka is mostly considered youth. It was on this day that people tried to get married and look for their soul mate. Celebrate this celebration on the first Sunday after Easter . After the spread of Christianity, this day began to be associated with Fomin's day. On the holiday of the Red Hill perform rites, dance, play, and just enjoy the advent of spring. It was believed that young people who were at home that day will suffer from loneliness for a long time.

What rites are held on the Red Hill?

It was believed that on this day all rituals will be effective and will certainly give the desired result. Someone asks for happiness, someone is wealth, and young girls attract love. To start rituals is necessary only with full confidence in a positive result.

The rituals and rituals on the Red Hill differed depending on the geography of the celebration. For example, in some villages of the Vladimir region, married women gathered in the streets, and at a certain distance from them there were young couples who called for women. Those in response sang and approached them, catering pie and eggs. In the northern Volga region this holiday was called Klikushino Sunday. On this day, people went to the houses of young people and called them, and they treated guests to eggs and vodka. On the territory of the Penza region on Krasnaya Gorka, a ritual called "harboring the village" was held. All the women gathered on the outskirts and with the help of the plow made a furrow around the village, which served for all as a certain protection from the negative. On the eve of the Red Hill in the Kaluga region in their own way were preparing for conspiracies and rituals. All the villagers took part in the production of a scarecrow, which was installed on the mountain, where the celebration and feast took place. As a result, before the dispensation, the scarecrow was burned. In some territories there was another interesting custom, according to which a guy could pour water on a girl attracted to him. Immediately after dousing, matchmaking should take place. They also performed a ritual that more closely resembled a game to find out who was going to be lucky next year. People climbed the hill and rolled eggs, from whom it descended smoothly and did not break, was considered lucky.

The rite on the Red Hill for love was very popular because, as it was said, it was this day that is meant to find the second half. A young girl on this holiday should independently bake a loaf. It is necessary to take two needles and speak them. Above the first it is necessary to say such a conspiracy:

"A good merchant, bring me a wedding ring. As they call you, they know about that. And I have a ring for a young woman, and bread for salt on the table. The truth is my words for the measured! ".

Over the second needle, you should say:

"I am beautiful girl blush and prigozha. She played the sparrow, the bridegroom beckoned. Goy, you fellow, al boyar, al merchant, al visiting fellow. Come on bread and salt. The truth to my words for the measured! "

After that, the needles need to be plugged into the loaf with a cross and salt it with salt. Then you need to leave it at night on the doorstep, and in the morning place it at the highest level in the house and store the year.

There is a ritual that helped to improve and improve their beauty. It must be carried out at dawn and have spring water or baptismal water. When you wake up, you need to wash and say such a conspiracy:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. How red the sun rises, as all the people rejoice to him, so let my face be red and rosy. Everyone would look at me, not see enough, rejoice, not rejoice. I would have been everything, the servant of God (name) was pretty. The key to my words. Amen".

Effective was the rite on the Red Hill for wealth, thanks to which you can get rid of existing financial problems and attract cash flow. For the ritual, the icon "Savior of the Golden Vlas" is needed, and if it does not exist, the "Savior in the Force" will also suit. It is still necessary to have a spring or sacred water, as well as a container of clay or, at the extreme, an ordinary basin. In one hand, you need to hold the icon over the container, and another to water it with water, while saying seven times such a conspiracy :

"In the seven temples there are seven pillars,

And in one thing only, God forbid.

To that God's pity is the true word.

Put God down, God himself Solomon.

Who before God's hand will touch,

With these words the holy icon will be washed,

To that rich destiny will be opened, treasures will be exposed.

Gold, silver will mourn for the servant of God (name).

Truly there is, it will be true, Give God the Servant of God (name) for ever and ever will not forget.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then the water should be washed up with water and poured into a tree. The icon can be considered an amulet. Repeat the ritual is necessary three years in a row.

The ritual for fulfilling the coveted desire is identical to the previous one, but only here the plot needs to be read by another:

"Jesus Christ was coming from heaven,

Nes holy miracle Cross,

He healed the sick, helped the poor,

Glory and honor erected.

My God! My God! Help me, too.

Do for Christ's sake for me (this and that and that).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, ever and ever and ever. Amen".