The day of the autumn equinox - rituals

On the day of the autumnal equinox, the duration of the day and night is the same, and the sun shines equally in both hemispheres. This time is ideal for applying to magic, because in this period natural, astrological and magical powers are combined. There are different rites that are held on the day of the autumnal equinox, aimed at improving the financial situation, attracting love and improving the state in other areas. One more thing to pay attention to is that on this day the Sun enters the sign of Libra, which symbolizes balance and harmony .

What should you do on the day of the autumnal equinox?

On this day, rituals aimed at attracting wealth and prosperity are most popular. Let's consider some of them:

  1. On the day of the autumnal equinox, you need to get rid of unnecessary things that are no longer useful in everyday life. Selected things worth burning.
  2. Necessarily on this day it is customary to bake pies for prosperity and well-being. If you use cabbage, then this is for money, and meat for success in work. Attract love and establish relationships in the family can berry pie.
  3. To improve prosperity in the family, it is necessary to rip and bring to your house rowan berries.

There is a ritual aimed at attracting wealth, for which it is necessary to prepare three green candles in candlesticks, a vase of fruit, vegetables and nuts, and a laurel leaf and large money . Put candles in the center of the table to form a triangle. Under your right hand, put a laurel leaf, and under the left one - bills. Place a container with fruit next to it. The candles should be lit in a certain order: first the far, then, the right and left. Looking at the flame, say such a conspiracy for money on the day of the autumnal equinox:

"Baked my table,

Under my right hand is my success,

Under my left hand, my prosperity,

The power of light,

The power of darkness!

You are equally equal!

Give full house to the good,

A whole chest of gold and silver,

To the success of my life settled,

To the purse of money pounded!

Thin people fell off.


May it be so!

Fire and stone! "

Candles should completely burn out, but leave a dish of fruit, money and laurel on the table until the next day. In the morning, the contents of the plate should be eaten, laurel used for cooking dishes, and put money in the purse.

On the day of the autumnal equinox, a ritual is performed to renew the energy. It is necessary to take an equal number of candles of green and blue. They should be placed at the edges of the table to make a square, and next to it place a container of water. In the center put autumn leaves, nuts, berries and acorns. Another take two sheets and one write a list of losses and failures for the year, and on the second - a list of joys and achievements. Put the lists on the autumn leaves. Free yourself from all thoughts, light the candles, starting from the blue, located on the north side, and ending with the green on the south side. After this, say the conspiracy on the day of the autumnal equinox:

"The light was born, it grows, it sparkles and shines, we add power to life, we plow and plant, we create and protect, and we go far, get what is destined."

After that, put the lists in a container of water, saying these words:

"And the victories and sorrows are equal: both of them pass, both of them bear fruit. I say goodbye to you that the victories increase, and the sorrows are gone forever. "

The candles should completely burn out, and pour water from the container under a large tree.

Other rituals on the day of the autumnal equinox:

  1. There is a belief that water before dawn has a special energy and strength, so if a woman is washed by it, then it can for a long time preserve youth and beauty. If an unmarried girl does this, she will certainly meet a soul mate for a year.
  2. There is a ritual on the day of the autumnal equinox on love and if a lonely person wants to find a couple, then you need to get a pillow, a toothbrush, slippers and other items for your potential partner and be sure to put these items next to your things. Thus it is necessary to say such words: "I compose a couple, I gain love".
  3. To the child was healthy with the course of the year, it is necessary to pour it with water on the doorstep of the house.
  4. You can create an amulet for your home, for which gather a bouquet of mountain ash, ears of wheat, kalina and twigs of pine. The bouquet should be tied with a red string and hang it over the entrance to the house. The amulet will defend for a year.