Red thread from the evil eye

On the one hand, we drive away from ourselves thoughts about magic, witchcraft, corruption, wanting to make sure that all this does not exist. And on the other hand, in moments of despair we become terribly superstitious, clinging to any scrap of saving information. So with the red thread from the evil eye - we do not knit it on the brush, because it's stupid, but as soon as the smell is unkind, we run to buy a woolen thread. Alas, more often than not, if we feel wrong, we'll tie the threads late ...

Such philosophers of antiquity as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato discussed the reality of evil eye and corruption. And the seafarers (and they are especially superstitious), drew their eyes on the nose of the ship, which were supposed to reflect another's evil eye. Kabbalists are convinced - the evil eye not only changes our destiny, but can lead to death.

Where did the red thread come from?

Red is the color of warning, danger. The ladybug is also red, to give predators an understanding of their toxicity. Also, the red thread warns and does not let in clots of negative energy inside us, moreover, the thread even does not allow us to think and act badly, otherwise all its protective power will soon disperse.

The red thread became a guard against the evil eye and spoilage in Israel. The story began with Rachel - the foremother of all mankind according to the traditions of the Jews. All her life Rachel prayed for people, cherished them and loved them. When she died, her grave was tied with a red thread, which was then cut and tied on her wrists. Thus, the thread was saturated with energy Rachel and now protects a person, no worse than a foremother.

Today, Jerusalem continues to export red threads from the grave of Rachel, and pilgrims themselves tie their red woolen threads that visited Rachel's grave on the wrist from the evil eye.

How to knit a thread?

A red thread from the evil eye must be knit on the left hand, since it is receiving. Through the left hand is evil, through the right good. This is because the left hand is responsible for the person's desire to receive benefits, and the right hand is the desire to share. The thread is followed by seven knots, and, doing this, to read the prayer of Ana Bekoah.

The seven knots are the seven worlds that enter our reality. You can not tie a red woolen thread from the evil eye yourself, it should be done by a relative or loved one.

That is, by tying the red thread you bought on the market for knitting on your hand, you will not protect yourself in any way. The thread must be charged with energy either of the person tying, or of the one who created it, the kabbalist.

But wearing this protection imposes obligations upon you. Remember that with the last node, you have given the floor not to be irritated, not to condemn, not to harm others.