Bruises under the eyes of the baby

Bruising under the eyes of an infant is a frequent phenomenon, which often plagues parents into panic. It is caused by the fact that the child's skin is the main identifier of his health, and the blue under the lower eyelid is the brightest sign of trouble.

Causes of bruising under the eyes

Why can there be bruises under the eyes of the baby? Blue can occur due to the following reasons:

How to eliminate bruises under the eyes of a baby?

The first of the above reasons is not a cause for concern. And the second and third problems can be eliminated by establishing the correct mode of sleep and rest, organizing a balanced diet of infants and mothers (fresh vegetables and fruits, especially pomegranates and apples, liver, buckwheat).

If the bruises under the eyes of the baby have appeared once, do not have a permanent character and are not the result of trauma, then there is no cause for concern. In case of injury, ice must be applied to the injury and contact the emergency department.

The causes of bruising under the eyes of the baby can be very different, so to avoid risking the health of the baby, it is better to immediately consult a pediatrician. Medical consultation can prevent the exacerbation of the disease or identify it at an early stage.