The first days of a newborn's life

So a miracle happened - your baby was born! There are nine months in the past waiting for this long-awaited meeting and birth, and there is so much new in both a happy and difficult life ahead. It is especially difficult in the first days of the life of a newborn home where there are no medical staff who can help.

What does a newborn baby look like?

The newborn child does not look as perfect as shown in beautiful pictures from magazines. He has a small, disproportionate patchy body with an apparent large and heavy head with red swollen eyes. The skin is often not ideal: there are reddening and blushing, tiny pimples, sometimes peeling, almost always wrinkled, may turn yellow on the second or third day.

But with proper care, after a while, all these signs disappear without a trace.

Care of the newborn in the first days of life

Care for a newborn child new parents in the first days of his life devoted almost all the time. There are such basic rules of care:

  1. Cleanliness is the guarantee of a healthy development of the child: to carry out a wet cleaning in the children's room; before you approach the baby, wash your hands well; regularly take a shower.
  2. Control over temperature and humidity: the temperature in the children's room should be 20-22 ° C, and humidity 40-60%, to maintain the optimal climate, air 4-5 times a day.
  3. Choosing the right place for sleep: the child must sleep in his crib, which should be placed not in a draft, and without a pillow.
  4. Thinking of a comfortable wardrobe of crumbs: fit clothes made from natural fabrics, ryoshonki with mittens, cap and sliders.
  5. To adhere to the morning toilet: examination for the appearance of rashes, rubbing with a swab moistened with warm water, a face, an eye from the outer corner to the inside, cleaning the spout, if necessary, cutting the marigolds.
  6. Bathing a newborn : daily, in boiled water at a temperature of 37 ° C, until the umbilical cord begins to heal into it to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  7. Follow the skin: if necessary, lubricate with a thin layer of baby cream or oil - pens and legs can be used more often, and the body is about once every three days.
  8. Treatment of umbilical wound : every day after bathing, treat with hydrogen peroxide and zelenok.
  9. Alternating diapers and air baths: leave for 5-10 minutes to breathe after each diaper change.
  10. Daily walks: from the fifth day, start to go out for 10-15 minutes and increase the time with each subsequent time, it is better to start walking on the balcony, dressing the baby in the weather.

How to organize the feeding of newborns in the early days?

In the early days, it is very important to establish a newborn baby, for this we need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The amount of milk in women increases gradually, first colostrum, and then only milk itself. To stimulate lactation, doctors recommend using a breast pump or more often putting the baby to the breast (at the first sign of anxiety).
  2. It is very important to learn how to properly give the baby a breast - he must grasp the whole halo of the nipple. With proper feeding baby sucks out more milk and my mother does not experience discomfort, there are no cracks on the chest.
  3. It is compulsory after feeding to help the child to spew the air, which he managed to swallow in the process. The most optimal way is to hold a column, that is, vertically on your shoulder.

Of course, the first day after the maternity home alone with the newborn is very difficult for parents, but gradually they learn everything or need to remember their old skills, and their further life gives them only pleasure.