Hypothyroidism: how to lose weight?

While some complain about laziness and lack of motivation to lose weight, others are ready to fight with excess weight, even being in much more difficult conditions. This is, of course, hypothyroidism - a special disease of the thyroid gland, which is associated with a decrease in the effect of hormones on tissues and internal organs. Can I lose weight with hypothyroidism? Of course you can, let it be a little more difficult than a completely healthy person.

Hypothyroidism and overweight

As already mentioned above, hormones with hypothyroidism can not affect the tissues and organs quite intensively. This is usually due to one of the following factors:

As a result of this disease, the metabolic rate is markedly reduced, and as a result of a slow exchange of energy and fats, there are usually problems with excess weight. A person suffering from this disease feels drowsy, weak, apathetic and completely unwilling to move and act. In addition, liquids begin to linger in the body, which causes an even greater increase in body weight. It is important to understand that because of this disease the weight increases by no more than 4-5 kg, and if your figure is higher - it is no longer associated with the hormonal background, but with such causes as malnutrition or heredity.

This is why a special diet should be included in the complex for the treatment of hypothyroidism at home, which will help to monitor the weight, as well as the training program. The fact is that sport and movement in any case cause an acceleration of metabolism, increases the breakdown of body fat and releases energy. In addition, the increase in muscle mass also contributes to the acceleration of metabolism, resulting in weight loss will be more intense.

Hypothyroidism: how to lose weight?

Unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how to reduce weight in hypothyroidism in a short time. To restore the function of the thyroid gland, at least, take 3-4 months, and during this time it is necessary to strictly adhere to the scheme of taking medications and monitor the level of hormones. If you clearly perform all the actions prescribed by the doctor, soon there will be euthyroidism - a condition in which the hormonal background is leveled, and the weight comes back to normal.

In the course of the treatment, regular exercise will be a great help to losing weight - at least 3 times a week for 40-60 minutes. It can be jogging, aerobics, dancing - whatever you like. Movement is now necessary to you, like air.

Diet for Thyroid Hypothyroidism

In addition to regular exercise, an excellent effect is also provided by proper nutrition with hypothyroidism. Many in an effort to lose weight quickly turn to starvation - but it is strictly contraindicated in this case, since it reduces the metabolic processes even more.

Every time you eat, the body starts a mechanism that speeds up the metabolism . Therefore, when hypothyroidism is recommended to eat often and in small portions - this method is widely used in medical practice and is called "fractional food".

It is important to cut fat in the diet as much as possible, refusing fried foods, oils, fatty meats and similar products. In addition, it is necessary to completely eliminate simple carbohydrates - flour and sweet. Instead, concentrate on the use of low-fat meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products.