Can I eat bananas while losing weight?

Bananas are a well-known, useful and loved by many fruit. That is why, most people, struggling with excess weight, are wondering whether it is possible to eat bananas when losing weight.

Benefits of bananas

Bananas are rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins B6, C and E, amino acids, vegetable proteins, fiber and so on. These delicious fruits have a beneficial effect on the acceleration of metabolism , which leads to an intensity of burning calories. Fiber helps remove fat cells from the intestine. This should pay attention to those who are interested in whether you can eat bananas when losing weight. In addition, bananas have a diuretic and laxative effect, and also reduce the risk of arthritis and certain cardiovascular diseases.

Bananas are an excellent product for daily use. They can be used as breakfast, providing the body with energy until the next meal, without experiencing a painful sense of hunger and a constant desire to have something to eat.

Bananas for Losing Weight

With dietary nutrition, bananas can be consumed. But for those who are wondering whether it is possible to eat bananas for the night when losing weight, it is worth noting that it is recommended to abandon this venture. Better before going to bed, drink a glass of skimmed yogurt - it will be much more useful for a figure.

Wanting to bring the figure in order, you can use a banana diet, the duration of which is 7 days. All this time it is recommended to eat only these fruits - not more than 1.5 kilograms per day. In addition, it is necessary to provide a plentiful drinking regime, consisting of green tea and still water.

Bananas can be eaten at any time, but only not at night - when losing weight it is unacceptable. If it is difficult to adhere to such a menu, you can diversify it with a slice of boiled lean meat.