Rotokan for inhalations

Everyone has the right to make a decision independently, whether to use traditional medicine methods of treatment, or to use phytopreparations. Especially considering that in recent times the latter have become quite widespread and recognized even by traditional medicine.

Phytopreparations include Rotokan , which is a mixture of flowers of chamomile, yarrow and calendula in the form of alcohol solution. This drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and therefore has a wide range of action.

How do I use inhalation?

There are no information in the instructions for the use of Rotocan on how to use it for inhalations. Therefore, consider this issue in more detail.

The use of Rotocan for inhalations is due to the fact that the natural components in the composition affect the affected tissue sites, and also activate the human immune system in general.

Rotokan is used for:

Inhalations with Rotocaine are also possible with a runny nose. Such procedures will create an unfavorable environment for the multiplication of bacteria on the nasal mucosa, and also help to remove swelling.

Why do I need a nebulizer?

In order to conduct inhalation with Rotokan, you need to acquire such a device as a nebulizer . You can buy it at the pharmacy.

Inhalations with Rotocaine in the nebulizer are very effective, thanks to the use of the device. It provides the formation of a cloud of small particles that fall on the mucous membrane and are readily absorbed. Therefore, Rotokan for inhalation effectively acts directly on the inflamed areas.

How to grow Rotokan for inhalation?

When the nebulizer is already bought and waiting for its hour, it is necessary to prepare a Rotokan solution, because the drug is used as a solution for inhalation. So, here's how to dilute Rotokan for inhalations:

  1. Sterilize the container where the solution will be prepared.
  2. Dilute the ritocaine with saline in a 1:40 ratio.
  3. For a single treatment session, it is enough to prepare 4 ml of the solution.
  4. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day.

Benefits of using the drug

The use of Rotocan together with a nebulizer has some advantages:

  1. Direct influence on the inflamed zone.
  2. Substances are not absorbed into the blood.
  3. Quickly alleviates the condition of the patient.
  4. Suitable for patients of any age category.
  5. Can be combined with other drugs.
  6. The method is not expensive.

Features of use

Inhalations with rotocaine allow you to quickly overcome unpleasant symptoms when coughing, runny nose or sore throat. Inhalations help treat ARI, with symptoms such as pain and dryness in the throat, coughing, spitting.

It is clear that you can easily knock down the temperature by taking an antipyretic. But the rest of the list of symptoms can remain, causing inconvenience. It is interesting that by applying inhalations, you will accelerate your recovery about two times.

Rotokan for inhalation is suitable for use even by young children, pregnant and lactating mothers, due to the fact that it does not contain substances that are capable of causing allergies.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of the drug. These include individual intolerance to one or more of the components of the drug. It can appear in the form of itching or redness. If you notice yourself having such symptoms, you should consult a doctor and stop using the drug.