What kind of folk remedy can cure a cold?

Despite the availability of various medications, traditional medicine recipes are still popular, due to its effectiveness and naturalness. There are several ways how to cure a cold with folk remedies. It is important to say that before using the selected recipe, you need to check that there is no allergy to the ingredients in it.

What kind of folk remedy can cure a cold?

There are several effective ways, but most often inhalations , ointments and drops are used.

How to get rid of a cold with folk remedies:

  1. Good results are given by drops from the juice of aloe and calanchoe . These plants contribute to the liquefaction of mucus and improve the process of its withdrawal. It should be noted that pus will be excreted not only from the nasal cavity, but also from the paranasal sinuses. Instructions are carried out three drops four times a day.
  2. For inhalation, horseradish is used, which should be grinded on a grater, put in a jar and close with a dense lid. After 15 minutes. open the lid and inhale with the mouth of the pair, hold for three seconds, and then, exhale through the nose. Repeat all several times.
  3. Adults recommend a folk remedy for the common cold, which is prepared on the basis of lemon. Take a half of citrus and grind it with a meat grinder, and then, to the resulting gruel add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and the same amount of oil. Ready ointment should be mixed and lubricated by nasal passages twice a day.
  4. To cope with a runny nose, it is recommended to use warming up. Cook the potatoes without peeling it off, and then cut into halves and wrap them with separate rags. Attach them to the maxillary sinuses, and after a while to the bridge of the nose. Do the procedures three times a day.
  5. Grind the onion on the grater, squeeze the juice and soak the cotton swabs in it, and then insert them into the nostrils. It is recommended that swabs be replaced periodically.