Milk thistle for liver

Hepatologic diseases are usually accompanied by damage to the parenchyma and liver cells. The body is able to recover independently, but during treatment it is desirable to take natural preparations that promote acceleration of regeneration. As one of the most effective means, milk thistle is recommended for the liver, as in the composition of medicines, and in the form of folk recipes.

Treatment of thistle liver

Typically, for the manufacture of therapeutic drugs, plant seeds, oil obtained from them, as well as a byproduct - meal are used. All these parts of milk thistle have the following medicinal properties:

The milk thistle for the liver and the meal prepared from grains are an indispensable source of vitamin E, flavonoids, riboflavin, essential oils, enzymes, macroelements and vitamins that actively promote the regeneration of even severely damaged hepatocytes.

Moreover, retinol, contained in the plant, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, especially female reproductive system. Vitamin E helps to normalize the hormonal balance , increases the level of estradiol in the body.

Cleaning the liver of thistle

Cleansing of the organs of the bile-excreting system is carried out for 1 month. During this time, active biological components of plants reduce the overall level of lipid compounds in the blood, normalize metabolic processes, digestion, restore the functions of the liver and gallbladder.

It is necessary to prepare a decoction:

  1. Approximately 10 g (2 teaspoons) of dried grains of milk thistle cook in half a liter of clean water until liquid remains 0.25 liters.
  2. The resulting solution must be filtered and allowed to stand.
  3. Take the medicine 60 minutes after each meal for 15 ml (1 tablespoon), but not more than 4 times a day.

Milk thistle oil for liver and bile ducts is also very effective. It is easiest to add it to dishes, crumbly porridges and gravy as a dietary supplement. The purification is carried out in the following way:

  1. Half an hour before a meal, drink 5 ml of the drug, it is advisable not to use any liquids in the remaining 30 minutes.
  2. Take the course for 1.5-2 months.

Milk thistle and hepatitis

As is known, the most severe lesions of the liver are observed in acute or chronic viral, toxic, alcoholic, infectious hepatitis. Therefore, in these cases, the plant in question is very suitable.

Usually, appropriate pills for the liver or milk thistle in capsules are prescribed. The most effective and fast acting drugs today are:

Also there are capsules with a dry extract of seeds of milk thistle without impurities, which have a similar effect, but more slowly.

It should be remembered that, like any phytopreparation, the described plant should be used for a long time so that the therapeutic dose of active substances accumulates in the body. Therefore, the reception of these funds is carried out over a period of 10 days (minimum) to 1 month, depending on the degree of defeat of hepatocytes, the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.