Low pressure - what to do?

What to do if low blood pressure causes such unpleasant sensations as nausea, irritability, sweating and sleeping problems? Of course, as soon as possible begin to fight with arterial hypotension! To everyone who suffers from a lowered level of blood pressure, one simple rule should be understood: one must act based on the causes of the development of the disease.

What can I do at home to defeat low blood pressure?

Very low pressure leaves no reflection on what to do-urgently it needs to be raised. For these purposes, herbal tinctures are very suitable:

These natural stimulants-adaptogens act quickly and do not cause harm to the body. Even 3-4 drops are enough to significantly increase the pressure and feel better and more cheerful. The main rule is not to overdo it. Very often, hypotension reacts to the action of plant extracts more strongly than other people. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the dosage, better drink a cup of strong coffee, or green tea. Caffeine also has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and increases the tone of the vessels.

What if low blood pressure is caused by inappropriate working conditions?

After all, it is very often the sedentary lifestyle, chemicals and ionizing radiation that provokes hypotension! Of course, the best thing is to change the profession. But this is more of a fantastic option, so let's look at other ways to normalize your condition:

  1. Fractional power. A healthy balanced diet is half the success. You will significantly improve the tone of the vessels if you eat more plant foods, fish, dairy products and cereals. Portions should be divided, meals - often. Hypotonics should be eaten every 2-3 hours. Pay attention to pickles and pickled dishes, foods rich in potassium.
  2. A prolonged sleep. People with low blood pressure require a longer rest period. A night sleep of at least 8-10 hours will help the body to regain strength, and you - feel much better.

What if low blood pressure and headache?

Of course, self-massage! Chop the muscles of the neck and shoulders. You can make several rotational movements with your hands. Accelerating the process of blood circulation, you restore the level of oxygen supply to the brain, thereby eliminating pain and improving concentration. Hardening also helps to train the walls of the vessels. Pouring cold water, walking barefoot, charging at an open window, or on the street normalize the level of blood pressure better than drugs.

What if the low pressure treatment did not help?

Sometimes hypotension develops from the misuse of medications that regulate the level of pressure, or internal diseases. Especially often arterial hypotension provokes diseases of cardiovascular, endocrine and excretory system. Normalize the pressure in this case, you can only by eliminating the underlying disease.

What if low blood pressure appears after a heart attack?

In this case, complete cure is not a question. People who have undergone such diseases should completely abandon their bad habits, especially dangerous cognac, expanding the walls of blood vessels. If pains in the heart of the medication should be taken carefully. Before putting a tablet of Nitroglycerin under the tongue, sit down. A sharp pressure jump can lead to brain hypoxia and loss of consciousness.

A reminder of what to do with low pressure and dizziness in emergency situations, it's good to show all the relatives:

  1. Provide fresh air.
  2. Seated, or put the patient.
  3. Remove excess clothing.
  4. Give me a drink of clean water.
  5. Give to eat a piece of bread.