Purulent conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an infectious eye disease, with which everyone at least once in life, but had to face. One of the most common forms of the disease is purulent conjunctivitis. It is believed that this is a childhood illness, which, however, is not too selective. Indeed, children often suffer from conjunctivitis, but it is also impossible to say that adults are protected from infection by one hundred percent.

The main causes of acute purulent conjunctivitis

The main reason for the appearance of conjunctivitis is an infection in the eye. In general, harmful microorganisms get on the mucous membrane due to dirty hands, less often - with dust. Carriers of the disease are quite often pets, from which the infection can easily be transmitted to a person.

Develops purulent conjunctivitis very quickly, and within a few hours after entering the body, you can see the fruits of the infection. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Eyes start to turn sour. Some patients sometimes even after a dream can not even lift an eyelid.
  2. The eye hurts and itches badly.
  3. Because of the infection, photophobia develops.

How to treat purulent conjunctivitis in adults?

The first thing to remember before starting treatment: if the infection began to develop in one eye, you need to be ready, that very soon it will move to the second. Therefore, all procedures, which will be discussed below, must be done immediately for two eyes, even if one of them is absolutely healthy.

To treat purulent conjunctivitis is recommended by special antibacterial drops and ointments. For these purposes, the most suitable drugs are:

Before applying the ointment, the eyes must be rinsed:

To eliminate the manifestations of the disease, some experts recommend using an artificial tear. In particularly severe cases, potent antibiotics can be prescribed.

In no case can you impose a bandage on sick eyes - under them are favorable conditions for the development of infection conditions, and therefore the treatment can take a lot of time.

For the time of treatment of acute purulent conjunctivitis, it is necessary to completely stop the joint use of hygienic items - towels, napkins, kerchiefs - with relatives and friends.