Herpes on the body - treatment

Herpes is an acute viral disease, which is manifested by rashes, itching and painful sensations. Herpes on the body whose treatment is discussed further, arises because of the activation of the chickenpox virus, which lives in the nerve cells of a child who suffered this ailment.

Causes of herpes on the body

The occurrence of small ulcers and blisters on the surface of the skin indicates the development of infection. Herpes body striking body is often called shingles. Although chickenpox , which causes a herpetic-like virus, almost all are sick at an early age, the virus remains and is activated when the immune system weakens. Thus, most often with this ailment, elderly people who have low immunity experience.

In addition, the factors that cause the development of infection are:

Types of herpes on the body

The degree of damage depends on the type of pathogen. Today, there are eight different manifestations of the disease:

  1. The most common is the herpes virus 1, which is accompanied by a rash on the lips.
  2. The second type of virus is accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the organs of the reproductive system.
  3. Chicken pox virus (third type) leads to itching and rashes on the skin.
  4. The Epstein-Barr virus (the fourth type), which causes mononucleosis and lymphogranulomatosis.
  5. The fifth type is attributed to sexual infection.
  6. There are also pathogens of 6.7 and 8 species that negatively affect the organs of the nervous system. However, their effect is not fully understood.

Than to treat herpes on a body?

Now there is no definite way to cure the ailment. However, regular intake of certain drugs, the use of creams and folk remedies will help to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and stop the development of the virus.

To combat herpes on the body, treatment is carried out with such drugs:

These drugs are characterized by high efficiency, the ability to block the growth of cells of the virus and to resist infection of healthy body tissues. However, the last two drugs differ from the rest by a longer action, which reduces the frequency of the use of herpes tablets on the body.

Also among the most common drugs are allocated antiviral drugs Isoprinosin and Foscarnet.

The form of use and duration of medication depends on the degree of infection and the form of the infection. The greatest effectiveness of antiviral agents is achieved during the first 24 hours of the rash.

To eliminate the rash, antihistamines are prescribed:

Cope with signs of obvious intoxication with cardiac glycosides and anticonvulsant drugs.

Herpes on the skin of the body is also treated by taking immunomodulators, which is especially necessary for older people. To increase the stability of the body, it is advised to drink Polyoxidonium and Cycloferon. It is also important to fill the lack of vitamins (C, E and A) and minerals.

Ointment from herpes on the body

In addition to taking medication, therapy includes applying various creams and ointments that can significantly improve the patient's condition: