Treatment of gastritis with high acidity

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is the most common disease in gastroenterology, and, as a rule, patients suffer from excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Consider what kind of treatment of gastritis with high acidity considers reasonable traditional medicine, and what folk ways help reduce the symptoms of this disease.

Drugs for gastritis with high acidity

To reduce such manifestations of the disease as heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea and loss of appetite, three types of drugs are used.


The simplest representatives of this group are chalk and soda, but today the pharmaceutical industry offers sparing combinations of aluminum and magnesium compounds. Such medications will help to quickly relieve heartburn , but they do not have a therapeutic effect. The most popular tools:

H-2 blockers of histamine receptors

They reduce the level of production of hydrochloric acid. Medicines of this group are taken by the course. The most known preparations are based on:

Proton Pump Inhibitors

These drugs also inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid by stomach cells, and most often in pharmacies there are funds based on:

Diet with gastritis with high acidity

An integral part of therapy for inflammation of the gastric mucosa is the correct selection of the diet and its careful compliance. Patients are advised to eat mashed soups on a broth of carrots or potatoes, also the first dishes can be cooked on milk. Boiled vegetables, ground to the consistency of porridge, are useful:

As for meat dishes, gastritis with high acidity requires nutrition only by low-fat varieties of poultry, pork, rabbit and veal in boiled form. Peel should be removed before cooking.

People with inflammation of the gastric mucosa can eat bakery products, but they should be from 1 grade flour.

Strictly not allowed:


We treat gastritis with high acidity of herbs

Useful infusion of chamomile, flax seeds and yarrow:

  1. The raw material is mixed.
  2. Pour boiling water (0.5 liters per 2 tablespoons) and leave in the thermos for the night.
  3. Half an hour before the meal you need to drink a glass of this drug.

Another no less effective recipe - infusion of leaves of plantain, St. John's wort, nettle and flowers of chemist's chamomile. Brew and take it should be the same.

People with gastritis and increased acidity will benefit from such folk remedies:

  1. Honey water - in a glass spoon a spoonful of natural honey, take before eating.
  2. Nuts almonds - it is useful to eat 10 pieces a day before eating.
  3. Raw chicken protein is separated from the yolk and eaten for half an hour before a meal; Eggs should be homemade.

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori bacteria

Recent studies of scientists have shown that in the formation of gastritis and gastric ulcer the key role is played by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which, however, also lives in the stomach of a healthy person. During the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist can detect an excessive amount of colonies of this microorganism in the gastric mucosa, and then the treatment of gastritis with high acidity will consist in taking antibiotics.