Gout - signs and treatment

With gout due to metabolic disorders in the body, namely, associated with the formation and excretion of uric acid, the deposition of sodium urate crystals in the tissues of the joints (mainly the arms and legs) occurs. This causes inflammation, deformation and gradual destruction of the joints. Consider what are the signs of gout in women and the methods of treating this disease.

Signs of gout

The first manifestation of gout occurs suddenly for the patient, often against a background of complete well-being. In some cases, the debut of attacks is preceded by the following symptoms:

Usually, a gout attack develops after abundant consumption of food (especially meat, fish), alcoholic beverages. It can also be provoked by physical overloads (for example, long walking), wearing uncomfortable shoes, mental trauma, infectious processes in the body, the use of certain medications, prolonged starvation, hypothermia . These factors can cause a sharp increase in the body's concentration of uric acid and its crystallization.

The first signs of gout affect, as a rule, one joint, and consist in the following:

The average duration of an attack is 5-6 days. After this, the symptoms disappear, the function of the joint is restored, and the patient feels healthy. However, after a while, the next attack of the disease occurs. At first, exacerbations occur twice - three times per year, and with gout progression they occur more often, and their duration increases. Also gradually increases the number of joints affected by pathology.

Treatment of gout

It is advisable to start therapy already at the first signs of gout and approach treatment in a comprehensive way, using tablets, folk remedies, observing a special diet. The main goal of drug treatment of this disease is not only relief of acute attacks and resorption of sodium urate crystals, but also prevention of exacerbations by normalizing the level of uric acid in the body, preventing the deposition of salts. To remove the attack, the most effective use of the drug Colchicine, as well as pyrazolone and indole preparations. Prescribed special antipodagric drugs that reduce the synthesis of uric acid or increase its excretion. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids may also be prescribed. During the attack the patient shows rest, diet, abundant alkaline drink. Physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic gymnastics are effective.

Diet is the most important component of gout treatment, and with rare signs of the disease in some cases it is possible for a certain period to be limited only to its strict adherence, without the use of medications. The diet of patients with gout should exclude products rich in purines:

It is also necessary to exclude refractory fats, to limit the use of salt. It is recommended to eat, mainly, dairy products, eggs, potatoes, cereals, fruits and berries.

As for the treatment of gout at home, its signs can be effectively and quickly removed with various phytopreparations, ointments, compresses, etc. For example, to remove uric acid salts it is recommended to take broths of chamomile, lilac leaves, birch buds. In the period of remission, warm baths based on alternate, sage, chamomile are useful.