Poisoning with watermelon - symptoms and treatment

In summer and early autumn, a favorite natural delicacy is ripe sugar watermelons. But this useful berry or pumpkin may in some cases present a serious danger to human health and life. Unfortunately, poisoning with watermelon is quite common - symptoms and treatment of such intoxication are well known to ambulance doctors who regularly deal with similar diagnoses.

Through how much is the poisoning of watermelon?

The rate of appearance of characteristic signs of pathology depends on the reason for the considered fetus becoming poisonous:

  1. High content of harmful chemical compounds. To accelerate the growth and ripening of watermelons, unscrupulous producers abuse nitrogen fertilizers and nitrates . Accumulating in vylkin, these substances are able to penetrate the human body and provoke poisoning. Its first symptoms in this case are observed after 2-3 hours after eating a substandard berry.
  2. Pathogenic bacteria. If the integrity of the skin of watermelons is improperly stored or damaged, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply in them, fermentation processes take place. The use of such products inevitably leads to intoxication, the clinical manifestations of which are noticeable after 5-6 hours.

Signs of poisoning with watermelon

The condition described is no different from the usual food intoxication:

Symptoms of poisoning with watermelon with nitrates are more serious, they additionally include:

The presence of these chemical compounds in tyqvin is extremely dangerous, as it leads to acute oxygen starvation of the tissues of all internal organs, including the brain and heart.

Help with watermelon poisoning and home treatment

With mild intoxication can be managed independently, having a standard set of medicines in the medicine cabinet.

Here, than to treat poisoning with watermelon:

1. Gastric lavage:

a weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink); a large volume of warm boiled water with table salt.

2. Excretion of toxins (sorbents):

3. Prevention of dehydration:

To stop the symptoms of intoxication, you can take antidiarrheal and analgesics with anti-inflammatory action, but only when the acute period passes.

To accelerate the recovery of the body and improve the composition of blood helps the use of a large amount of neutral liquid, for example, weak tea with lemon and sugar.

If home methods have not helped to cope with poisoning, and its clinical signs are rapidly increasing, it is better to immediately call a team of professional medics. Skoe all just have to go to the hospital and conduct inpatient treatment. Otherwise, severe irreversible consequences can occur in the form of: