The most unusual dogs

Today in the world there are about 450 breeds of dogs, among which there are very unusual animals. Let's get acquainted with some of the most unusual dogs in the world.

The most unusual breeds of dogs

One of the largest shepherd breeds - the Komondor dog - appeared in Hungary. Her long wool of twisted plaits protected the animal both in the heat and cold. The "dress" of an adult komondor weighs about seven kilograms and consists of about two thousand woolen shoelaces. Such unusual wool appears as a result of stalling, and it is almost impossible to comb it. This dog is very efficient, fearless, resolute and intelligent.

The Turkish dog of hunting breed katalburun has a unique appearance: its nose is bifurcated. This feature also affects the physical data of the dog: its scent is much stronger than in dogs of other breeds. Therefore katalburun today is a hunting dog. In addition, it is used as a policeman, a rescuer, an inspector at stations or customs.

One of the most ancient and very rare breeds is the pharaoh's dog . Her famous made an extraordinary resemblance to the image of the Ancient Egyptian god Anubis. In addition, the pharaohs are able to smile and even be embarrassed. In this case, the dog's eyes blush, the nose and ears. Possessing amazing grace and flexibility, these dogs perfectly live in an apartment. They are very intelligent, calm and reserved.

Bedlington Terrier was bred in England for fighting rats, hunting for foxes, badgers, rabbits. The dog is distinguished by a surprising resemblance to a sheared lamb due to thick wavy hair and dark eyes. This neat and very neat dog perfectly suits in the apartment. She will be a faithful friend, a reliable companion and a watchful guard.

A small dog called the Peruvian orchid of the Incas has almost no hair on the body at all. To prevent drying of the skin in the dog, the owner should periodically moisturize it with lotion.

The wool of the Bergman sheepdog resembles fish scales. These long corded cords protect the animal from both bad weather and the teeth of predators.