Self-esteem of a teenager

For each person, self-esteem is an important criterion that allows a person to form correctly. And in adolescence, its value can not be overestimated! If the self-esteem of a teenager is adequate, then his chances of a successful life increase. What does "adequate" mean? When a child is able to assess his abilities objectively, he realizes the place he takes in the team and in society as a whole. Not surprisingly, for parents, the level of self-evaluation of the personality of their teenage child plays an important role, because caring for its future is the main task. However, not everyone understands and understands how to raise a son or daughter so that self-esteem is adequate.

high school

Let's note at once, that from the first days of a life the self-estimation of the kid is faultless! But growing up, the kid understands what is the most important for the parents, and the whole world is created just for him. Hence the formation of an overestimated self-esteem. Before school age, it is approaching the adequate, because the kid faces the realities of the world around him: he is not the only child in the world, and he loves other children. Only in the middle school age there is a need for correction and the formation of self-esteem in adolescents, as in some it literally takes off, and in others it goes down.

In early childhood, the formation of the child's self-esteem was influenced mainly by parents, educators in the kindergarten, teachers. In the middle school age, peers come to the fore. Here already good marks of a role do not play - for schoolmates and friends personal qualities (ability to communicate, defend the position, to be friends, etc.) are more important.

During this period, adults should help the teenager treat his desires, feelings, emotions, emphasize positive traits and get rid of negative ones. To focus exclusively on academic performance is not an option. In the middle school age, the adolescent's self-esteem can be polar, and its peculiarity is that there is a risk of extremes. It's about overestimating the self-esteem of a teenage leader and extremely low among a teenage outcast. Both the first and second option is a signal that urgent measures must be taken. Parents are required to:

High school

It's no secret that the level of pretensions and self-esteem of a teenage high school student is the result of relationships with peers. If the child is a leader by nature or an outcast, then it is not necessary to expect the adolescent to form an adequate self-esteem. Class pets can turn their shortcomings and blunders into virtues, setting an example for the rest. This raises them to a high altitude, and in fact, sooner or later falls can not be avoided! Before the teenager should be informed that a little self-criticism will not hurt him. Parents should understand that undeserved praise is the direct path to narcissism.

In the case of low self-esteem, which is formed in the adolescent under the influence of the family, classmates, unrequited love, excessive self-criticism, discontent with oneself, things are more complicated. Unfortunately, it is these children who often think about leaving home and even suicide . A teenager needs increased attention, love, respect. Even if he deserves criticism, you should abstain from it. But on all good qualities and deeds, it is necessary to emphasize that the adolescent understands that he deserves praise and respect.

Educating a person who is self-confident is not easy enough, but loving parents can do it all!