Fortune-telling for Christmas on wax

To fortune-telling, many are not serious, believing that this is just entertainment for the company. However, with regard to fortune telling on Christmas Eve, it is proved that the percentage of reliability of prediction increases the subconscious of the most divinatory. This, by the way, concerns other ways to look into the future , which require interpretation.

Way of fortune telling on the night before Christmas

Despite the complexity of the procedure for guessing for Christmas on wax, it was this method that was most loved by the ancestors as accurate as possible. The reason is that in the process of the divination, especially revered forces of fire and water were used, as well as natural beeswax, which the ancestors appreciated much more honey and many other things.

Fortune telling on wax for Christmas was a whole ritual that required rigorous execution. Most often the girls were guessing women. They gathered together, taking the wax candles necessary for divination, a basin of water, a mirror to be placed on the bottom.

Techniques of casting wax in divination are used different. Sometimes a candle with dripping wax is held directly over the water for several minutes. The wax drips and stiffens, forming whimsical figures, and the interpretation provides for not one final form, but the whole process of transformation and intermediate images.

In other ways of casting the wax is poured out immediately with a large portion. To do this, it is not allowed to drip into the water, but is collected in a container - for example, a spoon. Or put a candle in a small saucer for a while and then pour out the glass and accumulated wax.

To divination on wax was more authentic, it is spent for Christmas, when, according to popular beliefs, the evil spirit walks the earth. During the whole ritual it is necessary to concentrate on those questions, the answers to which a person wants to know. Girls are often interested in when they marry and how their married life will develop. The rest usually want to know about financial well-being and health in the near future.

Values ​​of symbols in the treatment of fortune-telling in Christmas

Solving the symbols, it is accepted to rely on generally accepted interpretations. However, this is not entirely correct - one should also take into account the life circumstances of the fortune-teller, the status, the age, because symbols are sent to this person. To the picture of the future was more holistic, it is important to take into account both the way the image appeared, which figures appeared before the final result was obtained.

Among the generally accepted symbols and meanings for waxing on wax in Christmas are: