Divination by birth date

Divination by the date of birth is directly related to the sphere of numerology. Even in ancient times, people noticed that there is a certain connection between the figures and the events taking place with them. Wise, knowledgeable people used the skills that accumulated over time, improved this knowledge, skillfully operated on them, they do this to this day.

Divination by numerology on the date of birth will help each of us to know better what can be expected in life, from which we should warn ourselves, and what we need to prepare mentally. This is a safe guessing , and, in addition, it will be interesting to everyone without exception, even ardent skeptics, because numerology develops as a science. Still Pythagoras spoke about the meaning and importance of it in our life. It was he who applied knowledge about numbers in the field of divination, while associating everything with the mathematical sphere, thereby explaining everything from a mathematical point of view. Pythagoras's fortune-telling by the date of birth can be found on this page.

Compatibility of fortune telling by date of birth

Compatibility by date of birth can be learned in this way: take a piece of paper, a pen, add up all the numbers of your birthday with the dates of the birth of the man whose compatibility you want to know. Now divide the resulting number by 2 or another even number to 10, if you divide the remainder, then the compatibility is high, if not, low.

Divination by the date of birth of a child

If you want to know when you have children, then you can also use fortune-telling on the date of birth of the child. It has nothing to do with numerology, it was used by our great-great-grandmothers.

For him we need a saucer, a candle, and also it will be necessary to draw two circles on an album sheet of paper, if you find more, then even better. On the circumference of a larger circle, evenly distribute the letters, on a small circle - draw out the digits of the month. Saucer put in the center of a sheet of paper, and try to attach to it an arrow or something that can replace it.

On the approach of midnight, light a candle. People who will be with you around, who will participate in divination or watch the process, should not be more than five. You alone or with your helpers should take the edge of the saucer. A candle helps to evoke a spirit that will answer your questions. Grasp the edges of the saucer only when everything is ready for it, you will feel the presence of someone else next to you, the flame from the candle will start to make a crackling sound, a slight rustle. Now, if such a sensation is heard and crackles are heard, everything is ready for communicating with the spirit, communication is established, and you can ask him questions that interest you.

Together with your assistants, try to clearly say in your mind or imagine a question, in this case it is a question: "What date (day, month, year) do I have (or call a name if on a question is a group of people concentrated) will a child be born? " The answer will be as follows: the saucer will start moving and stopping, the arrow will point to one or another letter or numbers, drawn before on a large and small circle.

Here it will be necessary to take into account several nuances. You will receive the answer, if you do not fear, fear , you create confusion, which can either anger or frighten away the otherworldly forces, neither the first nor the second positive results will bring. In the worst case, you can only hurt yourself in this way. Proceeding from the same, it does not follow, and abuse the help of spirits by means of using this method of spiritualistic divination.