Embroidery with ribbons for beginners

Everything new is well forgotten old. Embroidery with ribbons is not a new kind of needlework, but it has recently become more popular among needlewomen. Embroidery with silk ribbons at first glance may seem very difficult, but the masters say that in a week or so another you can easily perform even the most complicated types of stitches.

Technique of embroidery with ribbons

For beginners, embroidery with ribbons can become a really fascinating hobby. In embroidery there are no particularly complicated tricks, it is enough to learn how to make the basic stitches, which is the basis of the technique of embroidering with ribbons. If you can overcome this science, you can easily "paint" a very difficult at first glance picture. Now consider a few basic sutures:

  1. "Forward with a needle". This seam is the simplest and most commonly used of all. Need to enter a needle with a tape from the wrong side of the face. Next, make a stitch of the necessary length. We make the same stitch from the wrong side and again draw a needle with a tape on the front.
  2. "The front of the needle is magnificent." The technique for doing this stitch is the same as for the previous one, the only difference is that you need to put a needle or a pencil under the ribbon to create "splendor." When you insert the tape on the inside, it does not need to be tightened too much. This is a seam that is used to embroider leaflets.
  3. "Rose-spiderweb". This is a more complicated version of the seam, it is called a "seam pattern". To do this, you need to use threads in the tone of the tape. First you need to sew 5 stitches with threads, which come out of one point (it's like the rays of the sun). Embroidery colors of ribbons begin with the withdrawal of the tape on the front at the center point. Now we begin to stretch the ribbon between the beams, moving in a spiral. The tape is held alternately under the ray, then above it. To create a volume, you can slightly twist the tape.

Lessons of embroidery with ribbons

Embroidery with satin ribbons is a very fascinating and effective hobby, but for successful work you need to know a few basic rules. It is these rules, tricks and tips that will help to successfully master this kind of needlework.