Dried kelp - application

Laminaria is, in fact, dried sea kale, which refers to edible algae, which has a number of useful properties. The greatest benefit of sea kale is found in large amounts of iodine. But also, apart from it, the composition of kelp includes a number of vitamins and trace elements, which are vitally important to man.

Application of kelp in medicine

Laminaria is recommended for a number of health problems and for the prevention of various diseases:

Algae have a positive effect on the children's growing body. They are used to prevent the lack of vitamins, which feed the brain.

Application of dried kelp in cosmetology

Seaweed is widely used for weight loss as an additive to various dishes. The taste of food does not change from it, but it becomes more useful. For a persistent effect in losing weight, you need to eat about 300 grams of kelp every week.

If, for some reason, it is impossible to add kelp to dishes, the use of it in its pure form will do. To do this, one or two teaspoons of powder should be washed down with a glass of water.

External application of kelp

In addition to the internal application, such a curative product is used externally. First of all - this is the use of dried kelp in the form of a face mask - today this is quite popular.

Mask of seaweed and honey



The mask is applied for a short period of time and rinsed with clean warm water without soap.

Mask from seaweed with lemon



The mixture is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour.

This way of using dried laminaria perfectly nourishes the skin of the face and noticeably refreshes and moisturizes it.