Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the circulatory system, which manifests itself in increasing blood pressure. Usually, three stages of hypertension are distinguished.

Treatment of hypertension should begin with the first degree, with the slightest of its symptoms, otherwise it will necessarily develop into a more severe form. Usually in medical practice for the treatment of hypertension use special drugs to reduce blood pressure and diuretics. However, to reduce the number of drugs and to alleviate the condition can be herbs and other folk remedies, easily applicable at home.

Hypertension 1 degree - the pressure can rise to 140-150 / 90-100 mm Hg, with the level most often unstable. It can return to normal and rise again depending on various factors. When the pressure rises, headaches, noise in the ears, sleep disturbance, increased fatigue. Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies at this stage is most effective, and can prevent the further development of the disease.

Hypertension 2 degrees - the pressure is increased constantly and is within the limits of 160-180 / 100-110 mm of mercury. Perhaps the emergence of hypertensive crises. People's methods of treating high blood pressure are still useful, but when exacerbations are not able to replace medications.

Hypertension 3 degrees - the level of pressure from 180/115 and above. There are organic changes in blood vessels and other organs of the circulatory system. People's treatment of the disease at this stage is ineffective, and can serve only as maintenance therapy.

Treatment of hypertension with herbs

Consider herbal preparations, which are considered particularly effective in the treatment of hypertension folk remedies.

  1. A mixture of the horsetail of the field, motherwort, Valerian root medicinal and Swine swine in equal proportions. It is used for single cases of stress increase on the soil of stresses. It also has a diuretic effect.
  2. A mixture of hawthorn flowers, herbaceous motherwort, marsh swine - in 2 parts, and leaves of birch, horsetail and adonis of spring - 1 part. It is used in the treatment of hypertension 1-2 stages, as well as in hypertensive disease complicated by heart failure.
  3. A mixture of peppermint, chamomile, yarrow, goose eye and bark of buckthorn in equal proportions. It is used in case of increased pressure, especially in women over forty.
  4. The above fees are prepared in the following way - 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and stand in a water bath for 15 minutes (or insist an hour in a thermos), then filter, cool and drink during the day in two doses, 30-40 minutes before food.
  5. A mixture of hawthorn and hips - 4 parts, chokeberry - 3 parts, dill seeds - 2 parts. Three tablespoons of the collection pour a liter of boiling water and insist in the thermos for 2 hours. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.
  6. The effective remedy for the treatment of hypertension is viburnum. To normalize the pressure, it is recommended to take a glass of juice about a quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day.

Other folk methods of treatment of hypertension

  1. Treatment of hypertension leeches. Hirudotherapy helps greatly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve overall health, as leeches increase the outflow of venous blood from tissues and organs, help reduce blood viscosity and improve its properties.
  2. Treatment of hypertension with iodine. This method consists in the internal use of a solution of "blue" iodine (a mixture of ordinary iodine and potato starch). To a quarter of a glass of cold water add 10 g of potato starch and 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine. Mix the mixture thoroughly and add a glass of cooled boiled water. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks, taking 1-2 tablespoons 2 times per meal before meals.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs

Very often, the development of hypertension can contribute to a wrong lifestyle, stress, overexertion, insomnia. In such cases, treatment of hypertension with music can be applied. Listening to soothing music and other relaxation techniques contribute to reducing nervous tension and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure.

Also, in the initial stages of the disease, when there are only isolated cases of increased pressure, the development of the disease can be avoided if one starts eating right, excluding foods rich in cholesterol, paying attention to one's physical form, taking vitamins (especially vitamin E, better known as fish oil) .