10 Russian dishes that terrify the western neighbors

Speech in this article will be about the strange attitude of Western guests to some traditional Russian dishes, which are very common and loved by us.

Tastes in the CIS countries are very similar, therefore in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus on the table you can meet the same favorite dishes. But if we talk about Europeans and Americans, here we are already confronted with different concepts about tastes and food.

1. Cold

In America and many European countries, jelly is an exceptionally dessert dish. They look with horror at the way we put meat and fish there. And if in addition to say that you need to refresh the top with a mustard or horseradish season, it is generally foreign gourmets introduces into a stupor. Therefore, our favorite jellyfish and jellied fish from foreigners are not something that does not cause appetite, they even look at it not ready.

2. Sauerkraut

In the west, in principle, the classic white cabbage does not particularly favor, and that its leaven with vinegar and sugar - so it even does not occur. Yes, they do not understand how well such a cabbage goes, and even with a potato and a cutlet under a glass of vodka.

3. Herring under the fur coat

Probably, without this salad, we can not do any New Year's table, but Americans are puzzled how you can put on the herring as many layers of cooked vegetables and be happy.

4. Pancakes with salty stuffing

After all, only in our pancakes can I twist any stuffing. Especially favorite options - with meat, mushrooms, ham, salmon or red caviar. But for foreigners pancake, in the usual sense - it's a sweet dessert, which can be served exclusively with jam or another sweet sauce. Therefore, if a guest from abroad came to see you, you can, for fun, serve a pancake seasoned with sour cream with caviar, and after the first piece eaten by him, look at his reaction and his amazed face. Haha! He, definitely, expected to feel a sweet taste, and instead of sour cream - whipped cream.

5. Vinaigrette

Salad from boiled vegetables and pickled peas surprises many foreigners, since under the name "vinaigrette" they are accustomed to seeing a sauce based on olive oil, which is usually refueled with a Greek salad. However, for us - this is the most delicious and healthy vegetable dish.

6. Buckwheat

Basically, only CIS countries eat buckwheat in the form of cereals. In other countries, they either do not know about it at all, or they cook quite differently. In Latin America, for example, it makes a soft drink, or rather, from the water in which buckwheat was cooked, but the porridge itself is thrown away. Strange some ...

7. Tea

Despite the fact that this drink is considered the most beloved in England, and the birthplace of tea plantations - India, we use tea more than in other countries of the world. Even the British mostly drink it only at breakfast and snack, and in Europe and America they prefer tea. And only we have the expression "chai chase", which reflects how much in our life this drink.

8. Taranka

Dried and dried fish for Americans - it's just raw fish, because they did not undergo any heat treatment, so they do not even put a piece in their mouth. And Europeans do not favor fish in this form. However, we have this favorite and suitable snack for beer. The natural product is better than the chips.

9. Solyanka

This delicious hot dish of several types of meat and sausage, some foreigners call a very offensive expression of "garbage soup." For some reason, overseas visitors believe that in this dish the Russians are throwing everything that comes to hand, if only to fatter and more satisfying guest.

10. Okroshka

For some reason, the cold soup gazpacho no one has any doubts and questions, but our okroshka Europeans do not favor. Most of all in a dish they are frightened by kvass, which is not understandable to them on taste. By the way, Americans even call it a low-alcohol drink.