You will not believe it, but it's real magical sandwiches!

What do you have for breakfast today? A sandwich? We also have a toast, but not an ordinary one, but with a touch of magic.

Thanks to this, everyone who bites off a piece of it will be lucky all day long. You do not believe that, first, it happens, and, secondly, it can be eaten? Instagram star, food stylist Adeline Waughh with her creations has not once proved that in everyday life there should always be a place of magic. It creates not only useful, but also spectacular sandwiches, which everyone would like to taste.

"How does she do this?", You ask with unconcealed surprise. It turns out that Adeline mixes ordinary cream cheese (cream cheese) with spirulina in the form of a powder (nutrient microalga). As a result, the food stylist gets the beauty of a gentle-blue color. But also in her trunk is dry chlorophyll, with the help of which it turns out bewitching beauty light green.

Inspired by such colorful sandwiches, thousands of Adeline subscribers create their own variations on the theme of magical toasts, using not only spirulina and chlorophyll powder, but also beet juice (pink), turmeric (yellow), blueberry (violet) as a color palette.

Human fantasy knows no bounds, and therefore each of us can create something special that will raise the mood from the very morning not only to you, but also to your household members. Just take a look at these photos. Who knows, maybe for breakfast you will cook not a boring omelet, but a magical toast? In addition, do not forget to decorate your sandwich with some kind of topping (nuts, cucumber, tomato slices, avocado and others).