Strawberry "Clery" - description of the variety

The peculiarity of strawberry variety "Clery" is that it is very early, it is possible to harvest it from spring already in the spring. Therefore, the climate in the place of its supposed cultivation should be warm and sunny. In spring, sufficient heat and moderate humidity should be provided. Obviously, it is expedient to grow this strawberry only in the southern regions.

Description of the strawberry "Clery"

The bushes of this strawberry variety have small compact sizes. Leaflets are dark green. The strawberries themselves have a conical shape, rather large, saturated red color with a pronounced luster. Virtually all berries are the same size.

The flesh of the strawberries is very dense, so that even their long-distance transportation is possible. Given the description of strawberry "Clery", it is impossible not to mention the excellent taste of berries. They are very sweet, with a barely perceptible sourness. The fragrance from them emanates simply amazing.

Strawberry Cleri is also famous for its high yield. From one hectare of plantations you can collect up to 200 kilograms of tasty and strong strawberries.

Technique of growing strawberries "Clery"

Plants for this variety of strawberries need to be equiped in low and humid places, in which the spring stagnates, and during the rainy season during the rainy season. Soil should be light and without excess of carbonates. To make the land more loose, you can add a little bit of the rotten sawdust into it. Not bad, such a strawberry grows on peat .

Care for "Clery" is simple. The main thing is that the seedlings themselves should be healthy initially. Choose seedlings with a developed root system and without defects on the leaves. Periodically, beds should be loosened, weeds must be removed and measures taken from illnesses and pests should be taken in time, if any. The mulching of rows between straws is good.

You can not allow the thickening of strawberries. Therefore, at the time of disembarkation, ensure the distance between the bush is not less than 30 cm. During the flowering period and the formation of berries, you can cover the garden bed with strawberries with black agglomerates - this will accelerate maturation.