Plot on water

Plots from evil eye and spoilage are always popular and in demand not less than love spells. The reason for this is, most often, human suspiciousness. We start to think that suddenly someone looked at us wrong or thought something was wrong. And after that, it seems that all hands are falling from our hands and luck has turned away from us. But if, these assumptions turn out to be truthful and you can not avoid troubles, you should listen to the following information, which shows examples of plots from spoiling and evil eye.

Effective plots on water

Young parents are always serious about their baby's health and are worried about having a destiny for the child, and he always was lucky in everything. In such cases, you can use a plot for the baby from the evil eye. He will protect your child from evil eye and negative influence. A conspiracy against the child's evil eye is spent during washing, while water should fall to the floor, and even better - to the ground. It is necessary to say:

"From the lightning - water, from the baby - trouble. From whom appeared - that turned. Whoever is malicious, he will wash himself with tears. "

Next, you need to light a match and throw it into the water, saying:

"He who smoothed and mocked, let him be smoothed and smoothed out." And this water is necessary to wash the child. "

There is an excellent Christian conspiracy against evil eye and spoilage - a conspiracy from the evil eye of a newborn in the form of prayer . During the process it is necessary to get rid of the negative mood, subtract the prayer for water, and after - soapy water to wipe the baby. The text of the plot is as follows:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen. The water is clean, crystal! Save and keep your baby (baby's name) from bad eyes of everyone, from haters and envious people, from all bad people. Amen, amen, amen! "

Another little secret. If you notice, when someone is too much to praise your child, you need to spit unnoticed through your left shoulder or show the figure.

There are various conspiracies and prayers from the evil eye, but all experts in the field of esotericism argue that the most powerful is the conspiracy to water from the evil eye.

  1. Collect water in a container, throw a pinch of salt, fry a match. During the burning matches it is necessary to cross her and pray. After breaking the burned part and throw it into a container of water. Then read the prayer nine times. At the end of the ritual, the liquid must be drunk.
  2. Pour water into the container, add a little salt to it and light a match. Cross himself, read the prayer 12 times. And sprinkle this water of the person, from which the evil eye is removed.
  3. Throw a little salt in the water, burn three matches. Opal of matches to throw into the water and read the prayer "Our Father", and then to speak:

    "On the beach was a young girl. Spit a colored scarf, Mother of God called to help in trouble. Mother of God, come and help the slave (name) and go back to the dark thickets of the forest, where the moon does not descend and the sun is dark. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen . "

Repeat the conspiracy 9 times.

Remember that only your faith helps both the appearance of this or that effect, as well as its disappearance. Think more positively, do not think too much for yourself and everything will be fine with you.