How to remove the curse from a person?

The question of how to remove the curse , worries those who discovered on their family signs of a generic curse, or just heard unpleasant words from an aggressive person. There are several ways how to remove a curse from a person, and we'll look at the main ones.

How to remove the parental curse?

To do this, many methods are used - and prayers, and ebbs on wax, and soborazhiya. The main thing is that you must know firmly what is within your power to stop the destructive power of words. If the curse is pronounced by the mother, it is considered to be the strongest, the terrible and the cruel. To remove it means to turn to all methods at once, one can not cope with prayer alone.

It is believed that the most reliable way to get rid of such a curse is to spend three years in a row soborozhenie in the church, attend Sunday services, constantly read prayers. The sooner you do this, the better, otherwise such a curse can go farther along the line on the female or male line.

How to remove the curse of loneliness?

If you are all alone, you need to perform a special church rite . Come to church, take candles and put one to each deceased relative, whom you can only recall. Remember, which candle corresponds to one or another relative, and whose will be cracked - that's why the curse comes. If the candles burn smoothly, then the culprit is alive.

Stand and wait for the candles to burn to a third, reading the funeral prayers. If someone's candle crackles, take another candle, go to the icon of Nicholas the Miracle-Worker and ask him to remove the curse. When the candle burns by a third, you can move away from the icon. Order a moleben for deceased relatives for the whole year. So you will be free from the curse and your life will change.

How to remove a curse from a person or gender?

If you see that there are crazy people in the family, criminals, drug addicts, homeless people, beggars - means. We need to remove the curse from all sorts. Take a fresh family photo, and put it in the Bible for a week.

After 7 days, take a picture, light a church candle, read "Our Father" and then three times pronounce the plot:

"I beg of you, Jesus Christ! Bless the servants of God (names of relatives), grant us support and protection! Remove from us the dark slanders of enemies! Amen".

On the same day, come to the church, and for every member of your family put on a candle, and also offer a prayer of thanks for the removal of the curse.

Returning home, bake an apple pie, and during its manufacture, repeat to yourself:

"I shoot a paradise apple curse. Amen". A pie should be given to household members, and a few days after that, to offer thanksgiving prayers.