How to draw a fox?

Most children are very fond of drawing. At first the crumb clumsily holds a pencil, depicting on the paper "Kalyaki Malyaki", but over time the drawing skill gradually improves, the pictures become more beautiful and neat, and the stories are complicated. Drawing is not only entertainment, but also an excellent developing game, with which the child develops fine motor skills, spatial orientation, learns to determine the shape and size of objects and the ratio of different things in space relative to each other. That's why to encourage drawing is right and useful. Even if your crumb does not become a great artist, the ability to draw is sure to come in handy for him in life.

In this article, we'll talk about how to draw a fox with a pencil.

How to draw a fox (in stages)?

First of all, prepare paper, a pencil and an eraser. Lay out a sheet of paper so that the crumb could see all the stages of the work well.

  1. First determine the location of the fox on the sheet and make a sketch of the body. To do this, you need to draw a slightly elongated oval.
  2. After that, we plan the future fox head - its shape resembles a guitar mediator with rounded edges.
  3. The ears of the fox are large, triangular in shape. We have them at the top of the head. As we draw a sitting animal, the fox's body is stretched vertically, and the front legs are drawn parallel to each other.
  4. The hind legs of the sitting fox are bent. We draw them behind the foreheads, focusing on the contours of the body of the fox.
  5. Many do not know how to draw a fox face. To make it easier, than it seems: the image of a nose and a mouth of a fox with something reminds a Latin letter "W". But here you need accuracy and a sense of proportion - a too large or wide nose can turn your fox into a wolf or a dog.
  6. After the muzzle draw the eye. Almond-shaped fox eyes are parallel to the ears, in appearance they are very similar to the eyes of a cat.
  7. Draw the tail and the "fimbria" contour of the body - a fur fox fur coat.
  8. Finish the drawing details - the white tip of the tail and mustache. Draw the fur of the fox with small, heterogeneous strokes. Auxiliary lines are deleted using a soft eraser.

If the real chanterelle is too complicated for you, you can draw a merry cartoon fox.

If this option seems too complicated for you and you are not sure of your own artistic talents, try to depict a light version of the chanterelle - a fox from triangles. To do this, you will need to draw some triangles (as a body, head and ears), as well as a tail-drop. The base is ready. It remains only to add details - eyes, mustaches, ticks, etc. Such a schematic version is very easy to draw, and at the same time, all the main features of the fox are preserved - the animal on the image turns out recognizable, the crumb immediately guess that it is the fox.

The most important detail in drawing a fox is to highlight the ears and the white tip of the tail. Almond-like eyes and a small muzzle make a fox look like a cat, and the structure of the legs and torso - on the dog.

If you want to draw a chanterelle from a fairy tale, it's easiest to draw a fox's head in profile - an elongated face with a little nose, a vertical trunk (most often fairy foxes go in sarafans), a magnificent tail - that's all you need to draw. And if on the muzzle of a cunning chanterelle you draw a kolobok, the crumb will surely recognize not only the beast, but also the fairy tale, the character of which is your chanterelle.

That's all. Now you also know how to draw a fox to a child.

While drawing a small animal you have an excellent opportunity to tell a crumb about it. Together with the baby, remember which fictional character is a fox, what features of character she has, explain to the baby where the fox feeds and how, what kind and genus it belongs to, what kind of animal is relative. Be sure, the little one will listen with pleasure and even prompt you with something that he already knows himself.

Thus, you combine at once two useful lessons - drawing and knowledge of the surrounding world, nature and its inhabitants.