Oyster mushrooms - good and bad

Oyster mushrooms are fungi, the benefits and harms of which have already been studied and proved by scientists. If you went to the forest to collect oyster mushrooms, it will not be difficult, they do not hide under the foliage and in the grass, but grow on the trunks of trees, so they are very easy to find. From these mushrooms you can cook a lot of amazing dishes, the original and flavorful taste of which will please even the most picky gourmets.

What are the benefits of oyster mushrooms?

It must be said that the forest mushrooms of oyster mushrooms are no different from those grown artificially. Vitamin composition and taste qualities are the same, the only thing that sometimes gives out mushrooms, arrived to us from the forest, is a more acute smell.

Regardless of how the oyster mushrooms are prepared, their unique and useful properties remain unchanged:

  1. Restore the proper work of digestion, it is due to fiber. Also very useful for the stomach is the juice of the vesicles, it is able to kill the E. coli.
  2. Regular consumption of fungi prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and significantly reduces the pressure.
  3. Thanks to the polysaccharides included, they perfectly cope with cleansing the body of toxins, harmful salts and radionuclides.
  4. Help reduce cholesterol.
  5. They are an indispensable tool that prevents the appearance of stomach ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, atherosclerosis.
  6. They help in the fight against tumors and do not allow their further development. Based on the veshenok scientists have developed antitumor drugs, which are prescribed to people who have undergone a course of chemotherapy.
  7. The substance lovastatin, available in the composition of these fungi, helps to quickly cope with any allergic reaction.
  8. Saturates the body with riboflavin , which improves and preserves vision. Therefore, the use of mushroom cherry is irreplaceable for people suffering from nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Caloric content of oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are an ideal dietary dish, because they are the source of the most useful substances, these mushrooms can also boast a minimum calorie content. Whatever method of cooking you choose, the oyster mushrooms will remain low-calorie product:

Harm of mushroom veshenok

In the composition of these fungi found substance chitin, which can not be absorbed in the body, so before use in food, oyster mushrooms must undergo heat treatment. It is not recommended to abuse this fungus to people who have exacerbations of kidney and heart diseases.