Cucumbers in chilli sauce for the winter

Today we want to offer you unmatched recipes for the preparation of cucumbers in hot chilli sauce.

Marinated cucumbers with chilli sauce - recipe for winter



We lay out according to the well-roasted (in the oven) liter jars, two washed currant leaves, an umbrella of fresh dill, and also a tooth of young garlic, which we pre-cut into two longitudinal halves. Cucumbers are washed in the most careful way and densely we compact them in a container with herbs and garlic.

In boiling water, we dissolve the right amount of sugar, kitchen salt and ketchup chili. When the resulting sauce again boils, pour into it table vinegar and cook all about 4 minutes. We pour hot chilli sauce over cans filled with dense cucumbers, and then move them into containers with already hot water on the stove. Thus, we sterilize our delicious cucumbers for about 18-20 minutes. We seal the jars with roasted tin lids and hide them under a warm blanket before cooling down.

Pickling cucumbers with chili sauce without sterilization - recipe for winter



Young cucumbers put in a large container and fill them with running cold water. We leave vegetables in this form somewhere for 5-6 hours.

At the bottom of each, properly prepared for the further preservation of the can, we lay two peas of two kinds of pepper, two peeled garlic cloves and a pinch of finely chopped horseradish root. Fill all the remaining space of containers with cucumbers. Fill each jar with vegetables boiling water and let them stand for at least 15 minutes, after which we completely drain the water and again boil it. We repeat this procedure a couple of times, and then, once again draining the water, pour into it fine white sugar, kitchen salt and ketchup chili. Stir the sauce, put it on the burner and after the beginning of its boiling boil for 5-7 minutes. For two minutes before its preparation we infuse table vinegar. We pour the finished sauce over the cucumber filled with cucumbers, immediately sealed them and send them for the night under the blanket.