Soups in banks for the winter - recipes

Many may find it strange to preserve soups for the winter. But in the winter it is not always possible to buy fresh vegetables of good quality, and if they are lucky, the cost is unlikely to please them. Having a rich harvest in summer, why not produce a number of blanks, among which will be soups. We recommend cooking recipes for the winter pea soup and kharcho.

Preparation of pea soup for the winter in cans - recipe



For the preparation of pea soup in cans soak initially for several hours or at night washed peas. We put it on the stove to cook and after boiling we stand on the stove for at least one and a half hours.

While cooking peas, we prepare properly the vegetable component of the soup. Shink cubes peeled bulbs and carrots and pass the vegetable mass in a large frying pan, having heated in it first one glass of sunflower without the aroma of oil. Spread the fry from onions and carrots in a saucepan, and pour a glass of oil into the frying pan, warm it up and put into the vessel pre-cleaned and chopped cubes or straws Bulgarian peppers. Fry peppermint and put it together with butter in a pan to vegetables, add peas, pour in tomato juice, pour in salt and sugar and cook billets for forty minutes.

At the end of the cooking, we add the vinegar essence to the pea-vegetable mass, mix it, mix it hot on sterile and dry containers, seal it with sealed lids and wrap up the containers for self-sterilization, turning them upside down, until they cool down completely.

In a similar manner, you can also prepare bean soup for winter in cans.

Soup-harcho for the winter in cans - recipe



Initially, we remove the skins from the washed tomatoes, scalding the fruits with boiling water. We grind the vegetable now in a blender or with the help of a meat grinder. Bulbs are peeled from the husk, shredded slightly and together with the chopped pod of pepper and hops-suneli fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan to a golden hue. We divide the plums in half, remove the stone, and cook the flesh for about ten minutes and grind it through a sieve. We also prepare the nuts by frying the cores in a dry frying pan for about ten minutes, then chopping them in a blender.

Now we combine the tomato and plum mass in the pan, add the onion from the onion and pepper and boil it over moderate heat with frequent stirring, until the volume decreases by about half and thickens. Now lay the nuts, chopped fresh greens of coriander or parsley, chopped garlic, pour sugar and salt, and also throw pea peppers and laurel leaves. We weld the billet for another fifteen minutes, after which we pour the vinegar, warm it up for a minute and then pack it on sterile containers. Corking the cans with cooked lids, we place them in an inverted form under the "coat", and after cooling we move to other billets.