Peach - disease and the fight against them

Peach, due to its taste, refers to the crops that are particularly popular with gardeners. Disease of the plant is capable of yielding significant crop losses. Therefore, the question of what are the diseases of peach and how the fight against them is conducted is very urgent.

Peach - leaf disease

Most plant diseases affect its leaves. They also apply to the diseases of peach fruits. The most common of these are:

  1. Powdery mildew - characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the leaves, shoots and fruits of the plant. In the main lesion, the lower part of the leaves is susceptible. If shoots have undergone the influence of powdery mildew, they begin to lag behind in growth and deform. Combating powdery mildew is the timely pruning of affected shoots in early spring or autumn and their subsequent destruction. At the end of flowering, the peach is treated with Topaz and Topsin M preparations.
  2. Curly leaf peach refers to diseases that pose a heightened danger. Its signs can be seen already at the beginning of the vegetation - it is an uneven surface of the leaves and their reddish coloration. Then a white coating appears on their lower part, they become brown and fall off. In addition, the fruits also fall. In case of detection of affected shoots and fruits, they must be removed and destroyed. Control measures consist of spraying in autumn and spring with copper-containing preparations. Also in the spring, the second spraying is carried out with means "Horus" and "Skor" with the addition of "Delan".
  3. Klyasterosporioz or holey spotting - affects leaves, shoots, fruits and flowers of the plant. On the leaves appear light brown spots with a brown border. The tissue of the plant dies and falls out. Instead, holes appear. The fruits produce reddish or orange spots, which then swell and become brown. Chloroxidum copper, "Horus" , "Topsin" are considered to be effective drugs in the fight against the disease.

Timely detection of peach diseases will allow for effective control of them and save the harvest.