Diffuse mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease characterized by changes in the structure of the entire breast of a woman. One of the varieties is diffuse mastopathy - a benign neoplasm in the mammary gland, which is accompanied by a pathological proliferation of its tissues. This disease is very common and affects the health of eight women out of ten.

Diffuse Mastopathy: Causes

The main reason for developing a diffuse form of mastopathy is a disruption of the hormonal system. There are also a number of reasons that can cause mastopathy:

If in the family of relatives of women on the female line there were cases of the development of mastopathy, it is more likely that such a disease will befall the woman herself.

Partly mastopathy can also be considered as a psychosomatic disease, because it occurs when there are stressful situations in the life of a woman (for example, conflicts in the family, dissatisfaction with work, etc.).

In a separate group of causes can be distinguished violations of reproductive function:

If a woman has early menstruation in puberty, then she is more often exposed to diffuse mastopathy.

Two-sided diffuse mastopathy: symptoms

Based on the results of the ultrasound examination and mammography, echolineses of diffuse mastopathy can be detected:

As additional complications, a delay in the menstrual cycle, complete disappearance of menstrual cycles, or the occurrence of menorrhagia (excessive bleeding) may occur.

Diffuse mastopathy: treatment

When the doctor-mammologist puts a woman diagnosed as "diffuse-focal mastopathy", then the question arises as to how to treat diffuse mastopathy.

Diffuse-nodal mastopathy is treated with conservative methods. Operative intervention, as a rule, does not apply. Effective special diet for diffuse mastopathy: in the diet should include as much as possible sour-milk products, vegetable fiber. It is important at the same time to minimize the consumption of animal fats.

The doctor also prescribes a course of multivitamins to maintain immunity, homeopathy (mastodinone), phytopreparations (phytolone). As non-hormonal therapy, diuretic, sedative and enzyme preparations are used. Possible additional appointment of physiotherapy (laser and magnetotherapy, galvanization, electrophoresis, mud therapy).

Of the hormonal drugs used dyufaston, morning. To reduce the soreness of the mammary glands, it is necessary to apply the gel to the chest surface in the place of pain sensation.

It is important to increase the physical activity of women.

Women with suspected mastitis should visit the mammologist every six months to monitor the condition of the woman and exclude the development of breast cancer in the future.