Cervical Omission

Unfortunately, every third compatriot who has reached the age of fifty meets such a widespread problem as the cervical dysfunction - an ailment that is dangerous for its consequences. If you do not take measures, the sexual organs of a woman can completely fall out, and this, in addition to the physical aspect, entails psychological discomfort. The cause of this intimate disease is the weakening of the ligaments or muscles supporting the internal organs in the small pelvis.

In medical practice there is a classification of the stages of omission, cervical prolapse. The most mild form is the latent form, when the neck does not protrude, and the heaviest form is the complete loss of it.


Among the primary reasons for the omission of the cervix are birth trauma, acquired as a result of prolonged or, conversely, rapid delivery , excessive stress. This disease can develop as a result of a deficiency of estrogen. This situation is observed with menopause. In the risk group also those ladies who are overweight, regular problems with the intestines (frequent constipation), the development of the genitourinary system. Sometimes the omission of the uterus is diagnosed in patients who have not treated chronic cough and tumors in the abdominal cavity for a long time. These diseases provoke an increase in pressure in the small pelvis.

Symptoms of cervical dysfunction become more pronounced over time, so early diagnosis, adequate treatment is the key to successfully getting rid of the disease.


It is difficult enough not to notice the symptoms of cervical ovulation, as the disease is accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen, frequent and difficult urination, a violation of the cycle. Some women notice pain in the lower spine, while others feel the presence of a foreign body in the problem area. From the vagina, blood or abundant leucorrhoea is secreted. Often, sex with the descent of the cervix is ​​associated with pain, and sometimes the disease leads to absolute infertility. If you do not take measures, then the woman in the literal sense will see what the appearance of the cervix looks like, because the organ will be outside.

The prolonged course of the disease is aggravated by disorders in the functions of the body systems. Proctological and urological disorders occur, circulatory dysfunction in the small pelvis, leading to varicose veins.


Depending on the degree of descent of the cervix, the treatment can be conservative, and in some cases also surgical. If the organ does not protrude beyond the vagina, then with the lowering of the cervix, it is possible to fight with exercises specifically designed to strengthen the ligaments, muscles. As an additional therapeutic therapy, estrogen-containing drugs are prescribed.

In the early stages, a gentle treatment for omission is as follows:

If the effectiveness of conservative treatment is minimal, surgical intervention will be required. Depending on the form, severity and severity of the disease, surgery to lower the cervix can be plastic or complete with complete removal of the organ. In the latter case, after surgery, subsequent conservative therapy will be required.

Treatment of cervical ovulation is the competence of a gynecologist, however, in the presence of concomitant diseases of the urological, circulatory or proctological systems, the urologist, surgeon and proctologist, respectively, will be needed.