What burns the right ear in the evening?

There is a huge number of signs that have come down to us from antiquity. The Slavs were observant and compared various events, which became the basis for the appearance of superstition. With special attention people treated changes in their body, for example, at least once in a lifetime a person experienced the appearance of itching or a sensation of heat in the area of ​​the right or left ear. That is why a sign explaining what burns the right ear in the evening and at any other time is so popular. At once it would be desirable to make a reservation that people connected basically with the right side of a body only all good.

Extrasensory and esotericists claim that many people have supernatural sensitivity. Due to this they can even feel at a considerable distance from the body that someone is talking about them and in which channel, that is, positive or negative, it is happening. It manifests itself in the rise in temperature in certain parts of the body, for example, in the ears.

Why burns and itches the right ear?

The occurrence of a "fire" in the ears may indicate a change of weather or the receipt of news. If the right ear is lit - this is a sign that at the moment other people are discussing, but in a good way. Perhaps someone tells a story about your participation. It is believed that if you guess the name of the one who speaks, the "fire" will immediately go out. It is important to note that if another ear burns, then someone gossips or scoffs. There is a slightly different meaning of the omens explaining why the right ear burns in the evening or at other times, according to which a fire in this area arises due to the fact that close relatives or friends want to scold for the mistakes made or for the words spoken. Another right ear can burn in the event that someone wants to get through to you, but at the moment there is no way to do it. If the right ear burns start in the period of important negotiations, then it means three times to say these words to oneself:

"The right ear burns, it promises a right. Help me, protect me. "

In some cases, the ear does not burn, but there is a strong itch. According to existing signs, if it itches the left ear - this is a harbinger of good news or a pleasant conversation. If the itching appeared on the lobe - this is a bad sign, warning about the conflict , in which you will be guilty. A sharp itching in the right ear is a harbinger of rain.

Which means if the right ear is lit depending on the day of the week:

  1. Monday - soon will have to take part in the scandal. It is best to temper the ardor so that the quarrel quickly ends.
  2. Tuesday is a warning about parting with a loved one.
  3. Wednesday is a harbinger of an unexpected meeting.
  4. Thursday is a sign that promises to receive good news or gifts.
  5. Friday - in the near future have to go on a date.
  6. Saturday is a bad sign, which indicates the approach of various troubles and problems.
  7. Sunday - you can soon expect to get a good profit.

Do not worry if the sign predicted something bad, because if you think about the negative, it will certainly happen in life.

What burns the right ear at night and at any other time - medical opinion

From a scientific point of view, such a problem is due to an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood, for example, due to intense fear or during a period when a person is nervous. There is also an opinion that ears can burn because of increased brain activity, but this point of view has not yet been proved. If the right ear is constantly burning, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor, as this may be a signal about the presence of some kind of disease or allergy.