What does the river dream about?

The river is a symbol of change, since it says "twice you do not enter into one river". To more accurately predict the events of the future when interpreting dreams, it is worth taking into account other details of the dream: the quality of water, the strength of the current, your actions, etc.

What does the river dream about?

To see a small river not far from home means that in the future your financial situation will improve significantly, and you can get a tempting job at work. A calm river predicts the acquisition of long-awaited happiness. The dream in which you see the river coming out of the banks, will tell you that the events that are going on in the future will get out of control. At this time, it is necessary to think ahead of their steps, because otherwise the reputation may deteriorate. If you see a broad river, then in the future it is worth preparing for difficulties in love affairs. A dream about a shallow river is a warning about the occurrence of difficulties in the material sphere.

Why do we dream about the stormy water in the river?

Such a dream is a symbol of a conflict situation that will arise in the near future. Still it can be regarded as a warning about possible problems and unforeseen expenses. A river with a fast current promises an interesting pastime with important people.

Why dream of a dirty river?

Such a dream has a negative interpretation, most likely, you expect unpleasant events. Most likely, you will cooperate with people who will be negative about you. Another dream about a river with dirty water can symbolize the presence of emotional problems that will need to be dealt with.

Why do you dream of a clean river?

Crystal clear water in the river is a favorable symbol, which foreshadows happiness , joy and that all the business started will end safely. For a sick person, a dream of a clean, but turbulent river, promises a speedy recovery.