Adenomyosis of the uterus - symptoms and treatment

Adenomyosis of the uterus is a disease in which the cells of the uterine mucosa grow on the surface and / or inside the uterus in the form of seals, nodules or knobs.

Symptoms and signs of uterine adenomyosis:

Symptoms of adenomyosis may occur one at a time, but more often there are several symptoms of uterine adenomyosis at the same time. The disease can be asymptomatic, and women do not know about it.

How to treat adenomyosis of the uterus?

  1. Therapeutic treatment of uterine adenomyosis involves taking hormonal drugs for 6 weeks. Treatment restores the hormonal balance, excludes in the future infertility.
  2. Surgical treatment of adenomyosis. Foci affected by overgrown epithelium, remove and restore the natural shape of the uterus. In doing so, the following methods are used:

Treatment of uterine adenomyosis with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers its own prescriptions for the treatment of adenomyosis:

  1. Hirudotherapy - treatment of adenomyosis of the uterus with leeches. Leeches, acting on the biological points of the female body and injecting their saliva, improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, thereby promoting the dissolution of nodules in the tissues of the uterus, normalize the hormonal background of the woman.
  2. Herbal medicine is herbal medicine. Supposes reception of decoctions of plants and infusions of medicinal herbs, such as celandine, tansy, birch buds and plantain. On a teaspoon of dry plants of each type brew with one glass of boiling water, insist an hour. Regularity of reception - 4 times a day for a quarter of a glass.
  3. Applying compresses to the lower abdomen with raw beet juice.

With a regular visit to the gynecologist's office, the adenomyosis of the uterus will be recognized at the initial stage. Today in the arsenal of medicine there are many weapons against adenomyosis of the uterus, one of which is sure to suit the patient.