How quickly to cure cystitis?

Cystitis is pain and inflammation in the most intimate places, so a sick woman first of all thinks how quickly to remove the symptoms of cystitis. But it should be remembered that this is not only an unpleasant disease, but also a dangerous one. If there is cystitis, then it is not so much about how to quickly remove the pain, but, more so, how to quickly cure cystitis. After all, while this disease has not acquired a chronic form, it is easily curable, but in its chronic form is fraught with complications.

What quickly helps or assists from a cystitis?

Since the most common cause of cystitis is hypothermia, first aid to a woman is to create comfortable conditions for recovery.

It is necessary to take care that the patient:

Quick help with cystitis - drugs

Even at the stage of copious eating and natural rinsing of the urethra, medication is required. It is about herbal urological collections and teas that can bring relief due to diuretic and restorative action. This is a cheaper option for restoring health, there is also a more expensive option - the so-called phytopreparations. Phytolysin - paste, Tsiston , Mononel, Kanefron - well-proven drugs.

How to do without potent drugs? I do not want to drink them again, but with cystitis it's better not to take risks. To quickly cure cystitis, you need pills. It is necessary to undertake a campaign to the doctor, who, most likely, will appoint uroseptics and / or antibiotics. With a cystitis go to the urologist, but it is possible and to the therapist.

A doctor can prescribe any of these known anti-cystitis drugs:

Rapid treatment of cystitis in women

Cystitis is a disease that affects more women, and is known only to some men. This is due to the difference in length of the urethra - in men it is longer and narrower.

Cystitis can occur at any time of the year. Often in women, he appears after sexual intercourse, which undoubtedly upsets both partners. Ladies need to take care of the good condition of the vaginal microflora - to visit a good gynecologist who will prescribe in addition to the main cystitis treatment for a candle (for example, Gexikon), because antibiotics adversely affect the microflora, killing beneficial bacteria along with pathogens.

Because of the violation of the microflora of the vagina, local resistance to infections decreases, cystitis reappears, antibiotics destroying the microflora are again prescribed. To break this vicious circle and prevent the transition of cystitis into a closed form, it is necessary to introduce into the equation new variables - the gynecologist and candles.

Quick help with cystitis is possible only with adequate prescription of effective drugs, but let's say a few words about the prevention of this disease. It should avoid hypothermia, swimming in dirty ponds, women need to monitor the health of the intimate sphere.