Koi carps in the aquarium

Carp koi (it is also called brocade carp) was originally bred to live in open water, but it also feels great in domestic aquariums. They really are considered one of the most popular fish among aquarists due to the ability to get used to the owner and to recognize him. The content of koi carps in the aquarium has some nuances that you should know about before you go to a pet store.

How to equip the brocade carp?

Koi is a peace-loving and trusting fish that does not attack neighbors and does not pluck their fins and tail. Despite this, carp is not advised to buy fish for beginners: the size of the grown carp reaches 50-70 cm in length, because of this for one representative of the breed you need at least 300 liters of water.

Because of the impressive size of the carp, koi should live in an aquarium with regular and high-quality water filtration. It needs to replace water 2 times a week, adding about 1/4 of the total capacity. Carp are too sensitive to all kinds of chemicals, and so the stones and driftwood from the aquarium in which they live can not be cleaned with household powders and dishwashing detergents.

What to feed koi carps in an aquarium?

Choice of food. Koi are unpretentious in terms of nutrition. For them, you can buy any granulated food, intended for carp or goldfish . Vitamin supplements are included only in premium foods, so sometimes there is a need for their separate purchase. The fish remembers feeding time, so it can beg for food when a person approaches.

Frequency of feeding. Carp koi is fed 2-3 times a day. To develop the size of a disposable portion can only be experienced by observing the pet. If he eats for 15 minutes or more - reduce the amount of food. To the carp, leaving too much food in the water after eating, populate the catfish-ancestors . Food is a litmus paper of carp's coloring. It will become too faded, provided that the food is no longer included dry shrimp, spirulina, porridge and fruit.