Ancient Solitaire - Interpretation

There are solitaires, where you can not rotate on its axis has previously been combined cards. In this solitaire, previously combined cards can be reconnected. And it is right! It is interesting to look at the character that turned the previous one. In this there is a definite meaning - one situation replaces another. Study these symbols carefully. For example, if the castle fell first, and then it turned over and the cat fell out, then your problems will go away due to a new flirtation.

Ancient solitaire - what do the symbols mean?

  1. Libra - Wobble, doubt.
  2. Laurel wreath - Gift.
  3. Road - A trip, road, way.
  4. Spruce - Loneliness. In the near future, you will only have to rely on your own strength.
  5. Castle - Closed path.
  6. Snake - Trouble, in the year of the snake - good luck.
  7. Umbrella - Dreams.
  8. The key is the Open Path, the solution of the key question.
  9. Book - The Treasury House.
  10. The bell - Blow, trouble.
  11. Ring - Explanation with a loved one, maybe marriage.
  12. Boat - A boundless happiness, this is a very favorable sign!
  13. Crown - The highest achievement.
  14. Copeck - Money.
  15. Fire - Family hearth.
  16. Cat - Flirt.
  17. Cross - Fate.
  18. Swan - Good news.
  19. Girl's face - Acquaintance.
  20. Mill - Empty talk, gossip.
  21. Moon - News for a month.
  22. Swords - Quarrel.
  23. Lightning - Lightning-fast solution. Events are coming when you need to make decisions very quickly, or a quick solution to your question.
  24. Glasses - Pensiveness, you need to reflect on the state of your affairs.
  25. Letter - News
  26. Horseshoe - Happiness. You will have a very happy period in your life.
  27. Wineglass - Feast, feast.
  28. Candle - Quiet flow of life.
  29. A heart pierced with an arrow - A broken heart, broken love, a break or a big quarrel.
  30. The sun is the flowering of life, good luck.
  31. SOS - Anxiety.
  32. Arrows (feathered) - Achievement of the goal.
  33. Arrows (bifurcated at the ends) - Strong infatuation.
  34. Duck - An insect duck.
  35. Flag - New in the work.
  36. Flower - Love, love and only love.
  37. Chains - Something is holding back, usually means a delay.
  38. Hours - Changes in life.
  39. Skull - Disease, painful.
  40. Anchor - A stable position.