Dexafort for cats

Like all domestic animals, cats can get sick, and, unfortunately, there is no way to do without the use of medicines. When in the body of a pet there are some inflammatory processes, often the veterinarian appoints the medicine Dexafort to treat the disease.

This tool is used not only for cats, but for many other animals. It is released in the form of an aqueous suspension, in glass bottles, plugged with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps. Dexafort for cats is one of the most effective high-speed drugs, due to which it became very popular. More details about the properties of this medication we will tell in our article.

Dexafort for cats - instruction

This tool is made on the basis of Dexomethasone - a substance that is an analog of cortisol - a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Thanks to this hormone the body is able to fight with various kinds of inflammation, leakage, and has antiallergic and desensitizing (calming) effect.

The fastest effect from the use of Dexafort for cats is achieved due to the content of phenylpropate in the suspension. Thanks to this, the blood can "saturate" with dexamitazone within 60 seconds after application, which is gradually eliminated from the body through urine and feces.

For full-fledged treatment, the drug is administered only once under the skin or intramuscularly. And since the suspension can be delaminated, the bottle should be shaken well before use. After opening the package, the drug remains usable for another 8 weeks.

According to the instruction for Dexafort for cats, the dosage for one application is from 0.25 to 0.5 ml. However, it sometimes happens that you need to re-administer the medicine, it can only be done after 7 days after the first injection. During treatment of particularly complex inflammations, the drug should be used in combination with antibiotics that have a wide range of effects.

Dexafort for cats a veterinarian appoints when the animal has eczema, dermatitis, allergies , acute mastitis (inflammation of the breast). Also with the emergence of trauma, joint diseases, bronchial asthma, arthritis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

However, despite the impressive list of diseases that Dexaforte for cats can eliminate, this medicine also has a number of side effects. So, for example, one of the most common reactions of the body to the drug is increased urine formation, the pet begins to go to the toilet more often. The appetite also increases and thirst increases. If the drug is used for a long time, the animal may develop Cushing's syndrome, often there is osteoporosis, the cat can begin to lose weight, feel drowsy, weak and lose weight.

Among the contraindications to the use of Dexafort for cats is pregnancy, (especially 1 and 2 trimesters); diabetes; osteoporosis; heart and kidney failure; presence of viral diseases and fungus; ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not use dexafort for cats before or after vaccination and nursing cats. If the animal has an increased sensitivity to the substances that make up the drug, do not despair. Modern analogues of Dexaforta can quite serve as a worthy replacement for him. A number of "substitutes" include preparations: Vetom, Kolimitsin and Virbagen Omega. Dexomethasone, too, can completely replace Dexafort, but this medicine will need to be pricked more often.