The most devoted breeds of dogs

As far as is known, most dogs experience attachment to their masters. But before you bring a puppy home, many are trying to find out which breed of dogs is the most faithful to be sure - in their family there is someone who can be relied upon in difficult times, who will prove to be a real friend.

Why are dogs faithful to people? This question is very difficult to answer. Believe me, here is not only the matter in a piece of bread, the dog perceives you as his family, which she loves and protects.

But nevertheless scientists have tried to select from all breeds the most devoted dogs.

Border Collie

To date, this dog is considered the most loyal in the world. And she does not emphasize her love only on one member of the family - and treats everyone equally. She is an excellent friend not only to adults, but also to small children, whose pranks endure enduringly.

German Shepherd

Some people assume that the most faithful dog is a sheepdog. Only a sheepdog chooses one person who will remain faithful to the end of life.

In Tolyatti there is a monument to a devoted dog, dedicated to the shepherd Kostik, who for seven years waited for the man who died in a car accident on the roadside of the road where the misfortune occurred.

Labrador retriever

He is sometimes called a child's dog, like a nanny. Indeed, in large dogs a very affectionate and peace-loving character. Labrador will never run away from home, on the contrary, if it happened that he was lost, the dog will try to find a way back.


Representatives of this breed are excellent in training and have an increased sense of loyalty to their master. They equally treat all people who surround them constantly and are always ready to carry out their assignments.


Why is it so popular? Most likely, because of his feline nature. Beagle does not happen to be aggressive and keeps loyalty to the owner all his life.


It can be compared to a German shepherd , since they both choose one master and devote all their devotion and love to him.