Than to impregnate biscuit cakes for a cake - the best ideas of preparation of syrups

An important issue in the process of preparing a festive dessert is how to soak biscuit cakes for a cake. On this depends the final result of the prepared meal: its appearance, taste, and its overall quality. There are a lot of options and competent application of impregnation will help to create a delicious cake for a celebration or a simple home tea party.

How can you soak biscuit cakes for cake?

Impregnation for the cake of sponge cakes is a binding component that allows the basis to be harmoniously combined and qualitatively fixed with souffle, meringue or stuffing. Prepare a syrup or cream in several ways, each of which can be supplemented with interesting aromatic ingredients.

  1. Before souring biscuit cakes for a cake, you need to prepare the syrup or cream, they are used in a cooled form. Warm impregnation will soften the cake too much and the dessert will come loose, possibly lose its shape.
  2. Traditionally, impregnation is prepared for biscuit from sugar and water, in a proportion of 2: 3.
  3. In the base syrup is added tea brew (with flavor additives), espresso, vanilla essence or fruit juices, replacing part of the water.
  4. If there is absolutely no time for cooking the syrup, and what to impregnate biscuit cakes for a simple cake is a topical issue, and liquid jam will fit, more precisely fruit syrup without pieces of fruit.
  5. For a cake not intended for children, alcohol impregnation is used. In the base syrup, add cognac, brandy, rum, dessert wine or liquor.
  6. After applying the impregnation, the cakes should lie for about 20 minutes, only then you can add cream or stuffing.
  7. It is important to keep track of which cakes are used, if dry and friable, impregnation will need a little more, if oily, then do not overdo it with syrup application.
  8. Apply impregnation can be a tablespoon, evenly distributing the syrup on the surface of the cake. For this purpose, the brush of a confectionery is good, if the syrup is liquid, not creamy, you can apply a spray.

Sugar syrup for biscuit impregnation

Prepare syrup for impregnating biscuit at home is not difficult at all, you need to follow the adjusted proportions: 2 parts of sugar is taken 3 parts of water, cook on low heat until crystals dissolve and must be cooled before use. This basic recipe can be used in its pure form or complemented with fragrant ingredients. The resulting syrup is enough to soak the two cakes.



  1. In the saucepan pour the water and pour sugar.
  2. Stirring to warm up on low heat.
  3. Do not boil, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Cool to room temperature.

Impregnation for biscuit with cognac

Cognac impregnation for biscuit - the most common option for soaking cakes, it comes out very fragrant with a pronounced alcoholic aftertaste. In addition to the alcoholic beverage, lemon juice is present in the recipe, it slightly balances the syrup's syrup, and vanilla essence will add new light fragrant notes to the finished dessert.



  1. In the water, dissolve the sugar, after a minimum of heat.
  2. Pour in the vanilla and lemon juice.
  3. Cool to room temperature, add cognac, mix.

Coffee impregnation for biscuit

Just and quickly prepared coffee impregnation for biscuit with instant coffee. The composition of this recipe is rum, it will give a light bitterness, if desired, you can replace it with coffee liqueur or altogether remove alcohol. It is important to ensure that the granules are completely dissolved, otherwise the final taste of the dessert can be spoiled by coffee bitterness.



  1. Mix sugar and half of the prepared water. Heat on low heat until the crystals dissolve.
  2. The remaining water boil, pour coffee, mix well, cool.
  3. Combine syrup with coffee, enter rum, mix.

Lemon impregnation for biscuit

Insanely aromatic impregnation for biscuit without alcohol based on lemon juice can balance the taste of any, even the most luscious dessert, it will bring a light and pleasant freshness to the final treat. You can make a syrup with one juice and sugar or equivalent to dilute the base composition with water. During cooking, the peel is also used, but after the impregnation is ready, it must be removed by straining through a sieve.



  1. In the saucepan pour the lemon juice, add sugar and zest.
  2. Cook without waiting for a boil, you need to sugar completely melted.
  3. Sieve the hot syrup through a sieve.
  4. A simple impregnation for biscuit in a cooled form is applied.

Milk impregnation for biscuit

Simply and quickly preparing impregnation for biscuit from milk, in consistency and to taste more like a liquid cream. This syrup is suitable for softening white vanilla cakes, if chocolate biscuits, you can add a little cocoa or chocolate liqueur , the latter is introduced into the already cooled impregnation, so that the aroma does not evaporate when heated.



  1. In the sauté pan, heat the milk, pour in the sugar with the vanillin.
  2. Stir constantly, not allowing boiling.
  3. When the sugar dissolves, set aside. Cool to room temperature.

Impregnation for biscuit "Drunken Cherry"

Delicious cherry impregnation for biscuit is prepared from a basic syrup, which is supplemented with alcoholic beverages. For a special flavor, brandy or brandy is used, well the berries are soaked in crockery and fruit liqueurs . Ideally this syrup is suitable for lush chocolate cakes. Cherry can be applied fresh or frozen, canned or in its own juice will not work.



  1. Put a cherry, sugar and water in the stewpan.
  2. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool to room temperature.
  3. Remove the berries, add the fill, mix.

Honey treatment for biscuit

Impregnation for biscuit with honey is prepared quickly, simply, without any frills. Sugar is completely replaced with a natural sweetener, but it is important to remember that you can not heat honey, because it is better to use liquid, May or herb will do. Do not use buckwheat honey , it has a characteristic bitter taste and can spoil the final taste of dessert.



  1. Water heated to 50-60 degrees.
  2. Introduce honey and mix well, pour in lemon juice.
  3. You can apply this syrup immediately, after the honey is completely dissolved.

Impregnation for biscuit with liqueur

Alcoholic impregnation for biscuit at home is prepared taking into account the chosen basis. Not any syrup is combined with chocolate cakes or with vanilla, for example. On the basis of the liquor are obtained insanely aromatic syrups, which are well soaked and loosen the biscuit. Next, the basic recipe is described, which is enough to impregnate 2 cakes.



  1. In the saucepan mix the sugar with water, boil until the sweetener is completely dissolved.
  2. Cool to room temperature, pour in liqueur and mix well.
  3. With such a syrup, you can immediately impregnate the cakes.

Chocolate syrup for biscuit impregnation

The ideal impregnation for a chocolate biscuit - one that is cooked on the basis of cocoa, chocolate or liquor, in the latter case Bailey or Sheridans will do, they perfectly emphasize the rich taste of the cakes. This syrup is prepared without water, it turns out dense, a little cream, so it will take more time to soak the biscuits.



  1. In the saucepan combine the condensed milk and cocoa, mix.
  2. Stir on a water bath until smooth.
  3. Add the oil, boil another couple of minutes.
  4. Cool for about 10 minutes, pour in liqueur, mix thoroughly.
  5. This impregnation is applied warm.

Impregnation for biscuit with wine

Wine impregnation for biscuit is a good way to diversify the simple taste of cakes, but it is important to remember that for a white base you can not use red wine, the taste will not be very pleasant, and the appearance of the dessert will lose its appeal. If dessert drinks with a saturated bright taste are used for impregnation, the amount of sugar can be reduced.



  1. In the sauté pan pour the wine, add sugar.
  2. Boil the mass to lightness, about 30 minutes. Stir constantly so that sugar does not burn.
  3. Cool to room temperature.