Okroshka on kefir - recipe

Okroshka is not an old but time-tested dish that not only refreshes but also fills the stomach without a feeling of overeating, which is great for a meal on a hot day or during diets and fasting days.

The original recipe for okroshka, first published in the cookbook by Elena Molokhovets in 1901, suggested the basis of a dish of kvass and sour cream, as well as sour cabbage soup, but decades have transformed the original formula and now the okroshka is prepared both on kefir, and on whey or sour cream.

Recipe: how to cook okroshka on kefir?



Before preparing the okroshka on kefir, prepare our ingredients: potatoes and send them to cook (in uniforms). Similarly, we do with beef, boiling it in salted water, and chicken eggs, which must be hard-boiled.

Boiled and fresh ingredients are cut into cubes (potatoes and eggs are pre-peeled from the peel), the greens are crushed in any manner. In deep enameled dishes lay out our vegetables, meat and eggs, fill them with kefir, still water and, if desired, add 250 ml of ayran. To add spice, the okroshka is flavored with citric acid and spices.

Kefir okroshka can also be filled with a mixture of yogurt, water and several tablespoons of mayonnaise. Fat consistency of this sauce will give okroshke density and "richness".

Cooking okroshki on yogurt is a great idea for lovers of sourness of this dairy product, but for those who prefer a less harsh taste, we offer recipes based on whey and sour cream.

Okroshka: a recipe for serum

Easy whey on the serum is very refreshing, and also complements the diet menu.



Before you cook the okroshka on the serum, you need to boil the potatoes in a uniform, and then clean and cut it into cubes. Eggs boil hard boiled and crushed in the same way, along with cucumber and ham. Radish rub on a large grater.

A portion of the chopped potatoes (about 3-4 tablespoons) is ground in mashed potatoes together with a small amount of whey - this method will make the dish thicker without the use of fatty sauces like sour cream and mayonnaise.

Sliced ​​ingredients are filled with whey, salt, pepper and season with juice of half a lemon and mustard. We serve the dish chilled, with a few ice cubes.

The recipe for okroshka on sour cream

The most approximate option to the classic recipe is the preparation of okroshka on kvass with the addition of sour cream. Of course, following the recipe can be poured into a dish and sour cabbage soup, but quite enough and lemon juice. The main thing to use for this recipe is a special, unsweetened kvass for okroshki.



Potatoes are cooked, cleaned, cut into cubes. Similarly, grind the rest of the ingredients of the dish, except for egg yolks - we rub them with sour cream and mustard, and then we divorce this mixture with kvas. In a kvass base we lay all our crushed ingredients, fill the dish with lemon juice and spices, and afterwards we insist in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. We serve okroshka, decorated with greens. Bon Appetit!