Reproduction of dracaena at home

Dracaena is an indoor plant that looks like a palm tree, however, in fact, it is one of the varieties of evergreen shrubs. The main advantage of this plant is its unpretentiousness and endurance, so caring for dracaena is very simple and its reproduction at home is a simple procedure.

How correctly to duplicate dracenu?

Reproduction of dracaena is best started in the spring from March to April, when the flower came to life after a cool period and the growth processes begin to intensify. Of course, breeding can be done at other times of the year, but it should be noted that in this case the rooting process will be more time-consuming and time-consuming. There are several ways to reproduce the dracaena.

1. Propagation of the dracaena by seeds

To begin with, seeds must be soaked in the rooting agent - epine or zircon. Beforehand, they should be thoroughly rinsed in water to purge the remains of the flesh of the fetus. Sow seeds are recommended at the end of winter or early spring. The substrate is prepared from sand and light turf ground in equal parts. The first shoots of the flower give after about 30-35 days, after which they must be dived into individual pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. When seeding, it is important to maintain the necessary temperature of 25-27 ° C and the soil moisture, avoiding overmoistening, otherwise the seeds will rot .

2. Propagation of dracaena by cuttings

The top of the stem is cut with a sharp knife or pruner, while the length of the cut should be 10-15 cm. It is important to ensure that at the moment of cutting the stem is not deformed, had no scoring of the bark, cracks and other damages, since the flower can rot and not take root. Then the stalk should be dried at room temperature for 30-60 minutes, and place the cut at the trunk treated with a special tool or sprinkled with charcoal.

Root apical cuttings can be found in water, in moist sand, hydrogel, perlite, vermiculite or in the ground for cacti and palm trees. If you decide to root the cuttings in water, then you must remember to change it at least 1-2 times a week. It should be noted that if water is added to activated charcoal and a few drops of zircon, the water will not deteriorate quickly, and the stalk will take root within 1-2 weeks. To root the plant in perlite, sand or soil, it is desirable to add powdered rooting agents, such as rootstocks, root, hetorouxin, or liquid - eco-gel, zircon.

It is important not to allow waterlogging or, on the contrary, drying out of the soil, since this will affect the condition of the cuttings equally. The ideal option for creating the necessary conditions for rooting is the use of a greenhouse. For this, a pot or The container with water, where the stalk is located, is covered with a package, glass or plastic cup. However, do not forget to air the plant in the morning and evening, opening it for 15-20 minutes.

Reproduction of dracaena is also possible with stem stems. To do this, the sturdy stem of the flower is cut into pieces measuring from 5 to 20 cm. Divisions must be made with a sharp knife along the leaf scars, in places where the leaves are fastened on the stem. Rooting of stem cuttings is possible in two ways - vertical and horizontal. With the vertical in the soil at a depth of 3 cm, the lower part of the cuttings is immersed, and with the horizontal cut the shank is placed on the surface of the substrate and is slightly pressed into it.

Usually cuttings take root within 1-1,5 months, and shoots appear already in the second month.

Dracaena grows fast enough, so transplantation and its reproduction can be carried out almost every year.