Tincture of thorn

Tincture from the turn, which the people called "Ternovkami", is a simple and affordable drink, famous not only for its taste, but also for its healing qualities. As a basis, you can use both frozen and dried fruits, which allows you to harvest "Ternovki" all year round.

Tincture of vine thistle

To insist berries of a turn it is possible on various kinds of strong alcohol: it will fit, moonshine , cognac , diluted alcohol or vodka. The latter is most popular due to its availability, so with this recipe and recommend starting.



Note that during the stay in alcohol, the bones of the thorn begin to emit harmful substances, therefore, before making tincture from the turn, the fruits themselves should be cleaned. The flesh of the thorn is placed in a bottle and poured into vodka. The container with the tincture is clogged and left in a cool for two weeks. The first week of tincture is periodically shaken. Next, the drink is filtered, mixed with sugar. The latter should be added to taste. The sweetened tincture is left for another couple of days.

By analogy, tincture is prepared from the turn on the moonshine, while it is recommended to use a double distillation drink.

Tincture of thorn to alcohol

As the basis of the filling, use alcohol diluted to 40 degrees. Berries and alcohol are taken in equal proportions 1: 1 (per liter of vodka kilo of blackthorn), sugar is added to taste.



The thorn peeled from pits is poured into clean containers and covered with sugar. The latter, depending on taste preferences, is taken in the amount of 100 to 300 grams. The neck of the tare is bandaged with gauze and left in the sun for 3 days. After, the berries are poured with alcohol, left in the cool for 2 weeks, periodically shaking the entire first week. The ready-to-pour is filtered through a cotton-gauze filter.

Tincture of thorn without vodka at home



Purified pulp of thorn is poured with sugar and poured with water. The mixture is placed before warming begins, then the glove is put on the neck of the container and left until the end of fermentation. Fermented tincture is filtered, bottled and kept in the cool for a month before consumption. The last step helps to strengthen the taste of tincture.