Taking a small kitten into the house, you need to be prepared for the fact that cares and troubles with him will be no less than with a small child. Similarly, it will require special food, careful care and a huge amount of patience. One of the most common problems is constipation in the kitten. He will cope with it and alleviate the condition of the pet quite realistically and at home.
Constipation in a kitten - symptoms
Unlike adult cats and cats, the digestive tract of kittens can react with a stool delay for any nutritional error. The prerequisite for this can serve as an improperly selected diet, infection with worms , lumps of wool that got inside during licking, a violation of the drinking regime and any stressful situation. In addition, the kittens are very curious and try on the tooth even inedible objects. Let's see in more detail how to understand that the kitten has constipation:
- Lack of stool for 3 or more days. Under normal conditions, the kitten must walk "at large" at least once a day. If the baby visits the tray less often, but the emptying occurs without problems (pain, blood) and anxious meow, and the feces have a normal consistency, this can be considered a variation of the norm.
- A small amount of very hard feces. In some cases, with constipation, the kitten can give out a little feces, which resembles small-sized hard peas.
- Tense stomach and restless behavior. To suspect constipation will also help the baby's anxiety: a loud meow, a complete refusal to eat or a significant decrease in appetite.
How to help a kitten with constipation at home?
Treatment of constipation in a kitten at home will require the owners of strong nerves and dexterity - the baby is most likely not happy to be treated and will try to fight back against the attempts to put him an enema or insert a piece of soap into the anus. Therefore, the first attempts to cope with the problem it is better to start from the other side: to do a baby massage, add petrolatum oil to your food , or give it to a diluted condensed milk. But if after that the condition of the pet did not improve, you need not lose time to show it to the veterinarian - perhaps, it is a much more serious problem than constipation in the kitten.
How to give the kitten vaseline oil for constipation?
A proven method to cope with the delay of stools in pet pets (both small and adults) is vaseline oil, with constipation in kittens, the dosage of which should be determined from the calculation of 1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. At the same time (and this is the main feature of treating constipation in a kitten), it is possible to give his baby not more often than once a day. It is best to use an ordinary syringe without needles, firmly fixing the small patient and pouring the remedy into his mouth. The effect should occur within 12-16 hours.
Massage the kitten with constipation
As you know, the mother cat lickens the baby many times a day. And she does this not only for the sake of purity, but also for stimulating the work of his internal organs, including the intestines. If the pet has got into the house absolutely the kid (till 1 month), massage of a stomach of a kitten (at a constipation and in its absence) is an obligatory part of leaving. Do it with light stroking movements from head to tail. After this pleasant 7-10 minutes a day, you can permanently rid the animal of gastrointestinal problems.
Enema kitten with constipation
Although the enema is the first means that comes to mind as a fight against constipation, it is possible to do it yourself only in the most extreme case. First, the tip of the syringe (kittens for the procedure use a syringe without a 10 ml needle), it is very easy to damage the walls of the kitten's intestines. Secondly, if constipation is caused by a tumor or an obstruction of the intestine, it will bring only harm to the animal. How to make an enema kitten with constipation:
- Carry out the procedure better in the morning, before feeding the baby and when he is as relaxed as possible after sleeping.
- It is necessary to securely fix the animal in a standing position. To do this, you will need a towel or helper.
- Put the kitten in any container (basin or bathtub), which can be easily cleaned from faeces, because the effect can come instantly.
- Lubricate the tip of the syringe with petroleum jelly, and then very, very gently enter his kitten into the rear opening.
- Water in the enema should be clean, room temperature (+22 ... + 25C).
- Extrude water should be cautiously, in small portions, stopping at the slightest difficulty - otherwise you can tear the bowel.
Soap from constipation to a kitten
Quite often, experienced cats, on the problem: "The kitten has constipation - what to do?", Give advice to use for wrestling with constipation ordinary soap - to make a tiny candle out of the remnant and carefully enter her kitten in the ass. Annoying the mucous anus, soap causes a shrinkage of the intestine and leads to emptying. Constipation in the kitten will pass, but there may be another problem - an allergy to soap components and associated swelling and redness.
Condensed milk kitten from constipation
One of the options that you can give a kitten from constipation is the condensed milk you love. It can be offered to the baby both in diluted with water and pure form. But to get involved in condensed milk and use it for preventive purposes is still not worth it, since it is a fatty and high-calorie product that does not work best for the liver of kittens and adult cats.
What to feed the kitten with constipation?
The success of constipation treatment depends largely on how well the animal's nutrition is organized. If the constipation of the monthly kitten can still be attributed to nervous stress from a change in the situation, then the more likely pets in the problem are most likely to blame the error of the diet. The daily menu should have the required amount of fiber, liquid and fat. Cheap feed (especially dry) lead to gastrointestinal diseases and promote constipation. The best way out with regular delays in the stool will be wet premium foods .
Than to treat a constipation at a kitten?
If an occasional visit to the tray has become a normal occurrence for a kitten, the owner simply has to revise the way of life of the pet:
- Food. As stated above, it is better to feed the problem animal with balanced ready-made feeds with a sufficient amount of liquid.
- Care of the coat. To the intestines are not clogged with hairy lumps, the kitten should be regularly combed.
- Motion. Although cats spend 2/3 of their life in a dream, in the remaining third they should be active - running, jumping and playing.
- Massage. Light movements will improve the repetition rate and help to eliminate even constipation in a newborn kitten.
- Medicines. Make the chair regular and rid the pet of the associated with constipation of torture will help and medication. They can be used only by the prescription of the veterinarian and in the doses given to them. What to give a kitten from constipation? Well shows itself in the treatment of constipation kittens "Dufalac" and other drugs based on lactulose.