Onions Exclusive - Growing

Among vegetables, onions are one of the most common crops. It can be found absolutely on all sites. The most common varieties are onions such as leeks , onions, multi-tiered, Batun and others. Some types of onions are grown for a green feather, others for a turnip. But today more gardeners are beginning to develop new varieties of onions that were not previously grown in the area. And one of these varieties is the mid-late variety of onions called Exibishen.

This sort of onion was bred in Holland. Its bulbs are quite large in size, the weight of one on average ranges from 120 to 500 grams. With proper care, you can get a fairly good harvest: up to 3 kilograms from one square meter. In addition, the sweet bulbs of the variety Exibishen are very tasty. However, onions Exclusive has one drawback: it can not be stored for long, after four to five months it starts to deteriorate.

Onion Exclusive - growing seedlings

The seedling way of growing onions Excibishene is a rather troublesome business. But in this case you will get the largest onion heads. Inoculate onions to obtain seedlings in March. But before you start sowing, soak the seeds for several hours in warm water. After that, wrap them with a damp cloth and leave in this condition for about 4 days. Then disinfection is carried out. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate at a rate of 1 g / 1 liter of water. Immerse the seeds in such a solution for 8 hours. The temperature all this time should be maintained at about 40 ° C.

While the seeds are disinfected, it is possible to prepare the soil for sowing. For this, it is necessary to mix 10 parts of turf ground, 9 parts of humus and 1 part of the mutant Mullein. This mixture is filled with boxes into which the onion seeds are excised to a depth of about 1.5 cm. They are covered with a film or glass. The boxes with seeds are stored in a dark place. Approximately a week or one and a half to remove the cover and move the boxes to a bright place.

Before the first shoots appear, the temperature in the room where boxes with seedlings are stored should be about 22 ° C. After the onion germinates, in the daytime the temperature should be maintained within 17-20 ° C, and at night - 10-14 ° C.

Planting of onion seedlings begins in early May. Two weeks before planting onions Excibishen in the open ground it is necessary to begin hardening of seedlings. To do this, boxes with young shoots of onions are taken out in the daytime to the street.

To plant the seedlings of onions Exclusive, make beds in an open sunny place with loose air and moisture permeable soil. And this bow loves the soil fertilized with manure two years before planting. If you apply the fertilizer just before planting the seedlings, it can contribute to excessive growth of greenery and the appearance of loose bulbs.

In order to grow an excellent harvest of onions, it is necessary to provide proper care for it, which consists in watering, which should be moderate, as well as in loosening the land, mulching the soil , weeding weeds and fighting pests.

Onion Exibishen - growing from seeds

Method of growing onions The exibishen from seeds is much easier than the previous one. Seed is sown in April. By early March, we need to prepare for planting: stick seeds on strips of toilet paper with a paste. Such an adhesive solution can be obtained by brewing 1 teaspoon of starch in 0.5 cups of water. Allow the solution to cool, and proceed to apply the paste to paper strips. With a toothpick or a match, drip a drop of paste and put one onion seed on it. This way of sowing will save you from thinning out thick onions.

After the bands dry up, they curl and fit into plastic bags. In advance it is necessary to prepare beds for a bow, to conduct their treatment with disinfecting solution and lay the harvested ribbons with seeds, sprinkling them with a little bit of soil. All further care for onions, grown from seeds, is the same as in the seedling method.