Watery discharge in women

Allocations in women are a natural phenomenon that arises from the physiological characteristics of the organism. They perform useful functions and a moderate amount of them, as well as normal odor and appearance, indicate that the sex and hormonal systems are in order. Another thing is, when they have a specific smell, the color and structure change. This can be a sign of diseases of the reproductive system. Nevertheless, for each period of the menstrual cycle, certain composition, color and odor of secretions are characteristic, therefore, in the diagnosis of pathology, this must be taken into account.

Define the norm: which allocation is not considered pathology?

We divide the menstrual cycle into three phases, during which there are fundamentally different processes: follicular, ovulatory and lutein, the course of which depends on the development of the two main female hormones, progesterone and estrogen.

It is they who determine the nature of the discharge in a woman. For the first phase, which starts from the first day of menstruation and ends before ovulation, a slight white discharge is characteristic that does not have an odor. They are not thick and not liquid, but the structure is even, without the admixture of a liquid and viscous substance. In this phase, estrogen is activated, which prepares the body for ovulation. Therefore, watery discharge after menstruation is considered a pathology.

Transparent watery discharge is characteristic for the period of ovulation and the first days after it, when the phase of the yellow body comes. Before menstruation, women can observe watery discharge, which in structure and color are similar to egg white, and if they do not have an odor, then the body is OK and there is no cause for concern. It is also considered the norm during this period creamy consistency, especially 7 days before the onset of menstruation.

Abundant watery discharge in the luteal phase can be taken as the norm, however, if earlier it was not manifested, then it is necessary to conduct a medical examination. These parameters are relative, because the body of each woman is individual, and if you observe some changes that have become systematic, this is also the reason for going to the doctor.

White watery discharge

Watery mucus discharge from the vagina is considered the norm if they occur in the luteal or ovulatory phase. But if the mucus has white veins, it can mean erosion of the cervix or inflammation of its canal.

Watery discharge with odor

The most frequent causes of watery discharge, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, are bacterial infections. In this case, the shade changes - it becomes greenish or yellow. This is one of the symptoms of such diseases:

Therefore, if the discharge has an unpleasant smell, you need to urgently consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and treatment.

Brown watery discharge

This nature of secretions is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. They can occur both in the middle of the cycle, and before / after menstruation, and also accompanied by aching pains in the lower abdomen. If these parameters are present, then we can talk about them as the first sign of endometritis. This disease does not bring a woman a discomfort, but during pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage. Also, brown secretions can indicate a polyp in the uterus.

Yellowish watery discharge

Normal discharge may have a yellowish tint, but if they are clearly yellow, then this is an occasion to consult a specialist and undergo a test, because this color of discharge is characteristic for sexually transmitted diseases.

Also, if the discharge is watery and yellow, this can mean inflammation of the ovaries or the fallopian tubes. If an unpleasant smell has been added to this, then, most likely, a bacterial infection has appeared.